Responses of microbial interactions to elevated salinity in activated sludge microbial community
Tao Ya, Zhimin Wang, Junyu Liu, Minglu Zhang, Lili Zhang, Xiaojing Liu, Yuan Li, Xiaohui Wang
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5) : 60.
Responses of microbial interactions to elevated salinity in activated sludge microbial community
● Salinity led to the elevation of NAR over 99.72%.
● Elevated salinity resulted in a small, complex, and more competitive network.
● Various AOB or denitrifiers responded differently to elevated salinity.
● Putative keystone taxa were dynamic and less abundant among various networks.
Biological treatment processes are critical for sewage purification, wherein microbial interactions are tightly associated with treatment performance. Previous studies have focused on assessing how environmental factors (such as salinity) affect the diversity and composition of the microbial community but ignore the connections among microorganisms. Here, we described the microbial interactions in response to elevated salinity in an activated sludge system by performing an association network analysis. It was found that higher salinity resulted in low microbial diversity, and small, complex, more competitive overall networks, leading to poor performance of the treatment process. Subnetworks of major phyla (Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Chloroflexi) and functional bacteria (such as AOB, NOB and denitrifiers) differed substantially under elevated salinity process. Compared with subnetworks of Nitrosomonadaceae, Nitrosomonas (AOB) made a greater contribution to nitrification under higher salinity (especially 3%) in the activated sludge system. Denitrifiers established more proportion of cooperative relationships with other bacteria to resist 3% salinity stress. Furthermore, identified keystone species playing crucial roles in maintaining process stability were dynamics and less abundant under salinity disturbance. Knowledge gleaned from this study deepened our understanding of microbial interaction in response to elevated salinity in activated sludge systems.
Elevated salinity / Activated sludge system / Pollution removal / Microbial interactions / Competitive relationship
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