Relationship between groundwater cadmium and vicinity resident urine cadmium levels in the non-ferrous metal smelting area, China
Yujie Pan, Yalan Li, Hongxia Peng, Yiping Yang, Min Zeng, Yang Xie, Yao Lu, Hong Yuan
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5) : 56.
Relationship between groundwater cadmium and vicinity resident urine cadmium levels in the non-ferrous metal smelting area, China
● This study systematically examined the relationship between groundwater Cd and UCL.
● The study covered 211 UCL and sociological characteristic from nine groundwater samples.
● We found a significant positive correlation between groundwater Cd and UCL.
● Smoking status and education level also significantly affected UCL.
Cadmium (Cd) has received widespread attention owing to its persistent toxicity and non-degradability. Cd in the human body is mainly absorbed from the external environment and is usually assessed using urinary Cd. Hunan Province is the heartland of the Chinese non-ferrous mining area, where several serious Cd pollution events have occurred, including high levels of Cd in the urine of residents. However, the environmental factors influencing high urinary Cd levels (UCLs) in nearby residents remain unclear. Therefore, 211 nearby residents’ UCLs and the corresponding sociological characteristics from nine groundwater samples in this area were analyzed using statistical analysis models. Groundwater Cd concentration ranged from 0.02 to 1.15 μg/L, aligning with class III of the national standard; the range of UCL of nearby residents was 0.37–36.60 μg/L, exceeding the national guideline of 0–2.5 μg/L. Groundwater Cd levels were positively correlated with the UCL (P < 0.001, correlation coefficient 95 % CI = 9.68, R2 = 0.06). In addition, sociological characteristics, such as smoking status and education level, also affect UCL. All results indicate that local governments should strengthen the prevention and abatement of groundwater Cd pollution. This study is the first to systematically evaluate the relationship between groundwater Cd and UCL using internal and external environmental exposure data. These findings provide essential bases for relevant departments to reduce Cd exposure in regions where the heavy metal industry is globally prevalent.
Groundwater Cd / Urinary Cd level / Relationship / Non-ferrous metal smelting area / China
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