Modelling the thresholds of nitrogen/phosphorus concentration and hydraulic retention time for bloom control in reclaimed water landscape

Keying Song, Shufeng Zhu, Yun Lu, Guohua Dao, Yinhu Wu, Zhuo Chen, Shengnan Wang, Junhan Liu, Wenguang Zhou, Hong-Ying Hu

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10) : 129.

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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10) : 129. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-022-1564-1

Modelling the thresholds of nitrogen/phosphorus concentration and hydraulic retention time for bloom control in reclaimed water landscape

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● A new model for bloom control in open land scape water was constructed.

● It considers the effects of temperature and light on algae growth.

● It describes threshold curve of nitrogen, phosp horus and hydraulic retention time.

● Light and temperature dependent growth para meters of typical algae were obtained.


The risks posed by algal blooms caused by nitrogen and phosphorus in reclaimed water used in urban water landscapes need to be carefully controlled. In this study, the combined effects of the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and the light intensity and temperature on the specific growth rates of algae were determined using Monod, Steele, and Arrhenius models, then an integrated algal growth model was developed. The algae biomass, nitrogen concentration, and phosphorus concentration mass balance equations were used to establish a new control model describing the nitrogen and phosphorus concentration and hydraulic retention time thresholds for algal blooms. The model parameters were determined by fitting the models to data acquired experimentally. Finally, the control model and numerical simulations for six typical algae and mixed algae under standard conditions were used to determine nitrogen/phosphorus concentration and hydraulic retention time thresholds for landscape water to which reclaimed water is supplied (i.e., for a reclaimed water landscape).

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Reclaimed water landscape / Algal bloom / Nitrogen and phosphorus / Hydraulic retention time / Threshold / Control model

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Keying Song, Shufeng Zhu, Yun Lu, Guohua Dao, Yinhu Wu, Zhuo Chen, Shengnan Wang, Junhan Liu, Wenguang Zhou, Hong-Ying Hu. Modelling the thresholds of nitrogen/phosphorus concentration and hydraulic retention time for bloom control in reclaimed water landscape. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2022, 16(10): 129


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This work was supported by the Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51738005).


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