Effective interventions on health effects of Chinese rural elderly under heat exposure
Yujia Huang, Ting Zhang, Jianing Lou, Peng Wang, Lei Huang
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (5) : 66.
Effective interventions on health effects of Chinese rural elderly under heat exposure
● Education and subsidy were effective interventions during short-term heat exposure.
● A new index was defined to evaluate the intervention performance.
● Blood pressure and sleep duration were more heat-sensitive for the elderly.
Due to climate change, the heatwave has become a more serious public health threat with aging as an aggravating factor in recent years. There is a pressing need to detect the most effective prevention and response measures. However, the specific health effects of interventions have not been characterized on an individual scale. In this study, an intervention experiment was designed to explore the health effects of heat exposure at the individual level and assess the effects of different interventions based on a comprehensive health sensitivity index (CHSI) in Xinyi, China. Forty-one subjects were recruited randomly, and divided into one control group and three intervention groups. Interventions included education (Educate by lecturing, offering relative materials, and communication), subsidy support (offer subsidy to offset the cost of running air conditioning), and cooling-spray (install a piece of cooling-spray equipment in the yard). Results showed that systolic blood pressure (SBP) and deep sleep duration (DSD) were significantly affected by short-term heat exposure, and the effects could be alleviated by three types of interventions. The estimated CHSI indicated that the effective days of the education group were longer than other groups, while the lower CHSI of the subsidy group showed lower sensitivity than the control group. These findings provide feasible implementation strategies to optimize Heat-health action plans and evaluate the intervention performance.
High temperature / Health effect / Comprehensive evaluation / Intervention / Rural elderly
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