Pelagic-benthic coupling of the microbial food web modifies nutrient cycles along a cascade-dammed river
Nan Yang, Linqiong Wang, Li Lin, Yi Li, Wenlong Zhang, Lihua Niu, Huanjun Zhang, Longfei Wang
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 50.
Pelagic-benthic coupling of the microbial food web modifies nutrient cycles along a cascade-dammed river
• Structure of multi-trophic microbial groups were analyzed using DNA metabarcoding.
• Discontinuity and trophic interactions were observed along the dam-fragmented river.
• C, N and P cycles are driven by top-down and bottom-up forces of microbial food web.
• Pelagic-benthic coupling may intensify nutrient accumulation in the river system.
Cascade dams disrupt the river continuum, altering hydrology, biodiversity and nutrient flux. Describing the diversity of multi-trophic microbiota and assessing microbial contributions to the ecosystem processes are prerequisites for the restoration of these aquatic systems. This study investigated the microbial food web structure along a cascade-dammed river, paying special attention to the multi-trophic relationships and the potential role of pelagic-benthic coupling in nutrient cycles. Our results revealed the discontinuity in bacterial and eukaryotic community composition, functional group proportion, as well as α-diversity due to fragmentation by damming. The high microbial dissimilarity along the river, with the total multi-trophic β-diversity was 0.84, was almost completely caused by species replacement. Synchronization among trophic levels suggests potential interactions of the pelagic and the benthic groups, of which the β-diversities were primarily influenced by geographic and environmental factors, respectively. Dam-induced environmental variations, especially hydrological and nutrient variables, potentially influence the microbial food web via both top-down and bottom-up forces. We proposed that the cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus are influenced by multi-trophic groups through autotrophic and heterotrophic processes, predator–prey relationships, as well as the release of nutrients mainly by microfauna. Our results advance the notion that pelagic-benthic trophic coupling may intensify the accumulation of organic carbon, ammonium and inorganic phosphorus, thereby changing the biogeochemical patterns along river systems. As a consequence, researchers should pay more attention to the multi-trophic studies when assessing the environmental impacts, and to provide the necessary guidance for the ecological conservation and restoration of the dam-regulated systems.
Reservoir / Multi-trophic / Beta diversity / Predator-prey / Nutrient accumulation
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