TiO2@palygorskite composite for the efficient remediation of oil spills via a dispersion-photodegradation synergy
Chenchen Li, Lijie Yan, Yiming Li, Dan Zhang, Mutai Bao, Limei Dong
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 72.
TiO2@palygorskite composite for the efficient remediation of oil spills via a dispersion-photodegradation synergy
• A novel and multi-functional clay-based oil spill remediation system was constructed.
• TiO2@PAL functions as a particulate dispersant to break oil slick into tiny droplets.
• Effective dispersion leads to the direct contact of TiO2 with oil pollutes directly.
• TiO2 loaded on PAL exhibits efficient photodegradation for oil pollutants.
• TiO2@PAL shows a typical dispersion-photocatalysis synergistic remediation.
Removing spilled oil from the water surface is critically important given that oil spill accidents are a common occurrence. In this study, TiO2@Palygorskite composite prepared by a simple coprecipitation method was used for oil spill remediation via a dispersion-photodegradation synergy. Diesel could be efficiently dispersed into small oil droplets by TiO2@Palygorskite. These dispersed droplets had an average diameter of 20–30 mm and exhibited good time stability. The tight adsorption of TiO2@Palygorskite on the surface of the droplets was observed in fluorescence and SEM images. As a particulate dispersant, the direct contact of TiO2@Palygorskite with oil pollutants effectively enhanced the photodegradation efficiency of TiO2 for oil. During the photodegradation process, •O2−and •OH were detected by ESR and radical trapping experiments. The photodegradation efficiency of diesel by TiO2@Palygorskite was enhanced by about 5 times compared with pure TiO2 under simulated sunlight irradiation. The establishment of this new dispersion-photodegradation synergistic remediation system provides a new direction for the development of marine oil spill remediation.
Palygorskite / TiO2 / Pickering emulsion / Oil spill / Dispersion / Photodegradation
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