Scrap Iron Filings assisted nitrate and phosphate removal in low C/N waters using mixed microbial culture

Sanjena Narayanasamydamodaran, Jian’e Zuo, Haiteng Ren, Nawnit Kumar

Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 66.

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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 66. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-020-1358-2

Scrap Iron Filings assisted nitrate and phosphate removal in low C/N waters using mixed microbial culture

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• Microbes enhance denitrification under varying DO concentrations and SIF dosages.

• Abiotic nitrate reduction rates are proportional to SIF age and dosage.

• Over 80% of the simultaneously loaded NO3-N and PO43 is removed biologically.


This study focuses on identifying the factors under which mixed microbial seeds assist bio-chemical denitrification when Scrap Iron Filings (SIF) are used as electron donors and adsorbents in low C/N ratio waters. Batch studies were conducted in abiotic and biotic reactors containing fresh and aged SIF under different dissolved oxygen concentrations with NO3-N and/or PO43- influent(s) and their nitrate/phosphate removal and by-product formations were studied. Batch reactors were seeded with a homogenized mixed microbial inoculum procured from natural sludges which were enriched over 6 months under denitrifying conditions in the presence of SIF. Results indicated that when influent containing 40 mg/L of NO3-N was treated with 5 g SIF, 79.9% nitrate reduction was observed in 8 days abiotically and 100% removal was accomplished in 20 days when the reactor was seeded. Both abiotic and seeded reactors removed more than 92% PO43 under high DO conditions in 12 days. Abiotic and biochemical removal of NO3-N and abiotic removal of PO43 were higher under independent NO3-N/PO43 loading, while 99% PO43- was removed biochemically under combined NO3-N and PO43 loading. This study furthers the understandings of nitrate and phosphate removal in Zero Valent Iron (ZVI) assisted mixed microbial systems to encourage the application of SIF-supported bio-chemical processes in the simultaneous removals of these pollutants.

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Scrap iron filing / Nitrate removal / Phosphate removal / Mixed culture denitrification / Zero valent iron

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Sanjena Narayanasamydamodaran, Jian’e Zuo, Haiteng Ren, Nawnit Kumar. Scrap Iron Filings assisted nitrate and phosphate removal in low C/N waters using mixed microbial culture. Front. Environ. Sci. Eng., 2021, 15(4): 66


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We are grateful for the project grants supported by the Major Science and Technology Programs for Water Pollution Control and Management of China (Nos. 2012ZX07205-001 and 2017ZX7103-007).


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