Real drive cycles analysis by ordered power methodology applied to fuel consumption, CO2, NOx and PM emissions estimation
Pol Masclans Abelló, Vicente Medina Iglesias, M. Antonia de los Santos López, Jesús Álvarez-Flórez
Real drive cycles analysis by ordered power methodology applied to fuel consumption, CO2, NOx and PM emissions estimation
• New method named CAbOP is presented based on ordering data according to power.
• Three emission models are used and their emission results compared.
• Emissions data are analyzed in real driving cycles under CAbOP criteria.
• Methodology to collect data and reconstruct lost data in real urban driving cycles.
In this work three fuel consumption and exhaust emission models, ADVISOR, VT-MICRO and the European Environmental Agency Emission factors, have been used to obtain fuel consumption (FC) and exhaust emissions. These models have been used at micro-scale, using the two signal treatment methods presented. The manuscript presents: 1) a methodology to collect data in real urban driving cycles, 2) an estimation of FC and tailpipe emissions using some available models in literature, and 3) a novel analysis of the results based on delivered wheel power. The results include Fuel Consumption (FC), CO2, NOx and PM10 emissions, which are derived from the three simulators. In the first part of the paper we present a new procedure for incomplete drive cycle data treatment, which is necessary for real drive cycle acquisition in high density cities. Then the models are used to obtain second by second FC and exhaust emissions. Finally, a new methodology named Cycle Analysis by Ordered Power (CAbOP) is presented and used to compare the results. This method consists in the re-ordering of time dependant data, considering the wheel mechanical power domain instead of the standard time domain. This new strategy allows the 5 situations in drive cycles to be clearly visualized: hard breaking zone, slowdowns, idle or stop zone, sustained speed zone and acceleration zone. The complete methodology is applied in two real drive cycles surveyed in Barcelona (Spain) and the results are compared with a standardized WLTC urban cycle.
Cycle Analysis by Ordered Power (CAbOP) / Micro and macro models / Real drive cycle / NOx/PM10/CO2 emissions / Wheel mechanical power domain / Worldwide Harmonized Light-Duty Vehicles Test Cycle (WLTC)
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