Enhanced triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) degradation through application of an O3/UV process: Performance optimization and degradation pathways
Yapeng Song, Hui Gong, Jianbing Wang, Fengmin Chang, Kaijun Wang
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (4) : 64.
Enhanced triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC) degradation through application of an O3/UV process: Performance optimization and degradation pathways
• UV/O3 process had higher TAIC mineralization rate than O3 process.
• Four possible degradation pathways were proposed during TAIC degradation.
• pH impacted oxidation processes with pH of 9 achieving maximum efficiency.
• CO32– negatively impacted TAIC degradation while HCO3– not.
• Cl– can be radicals scavenger only at high concentration (over 500 mg/L Cl–).
Triallyl isocyanurate (TAIC, C12H15N3O3) has featured in wastewater treatment as a refractory organic compound due to the significant production capability and negative environmental impact. TAIC degradation was enhanced when an ozone(O3)/ultraviolet(UV) process was applied compared with the application of an independent O3 process. Although 99% of TAIC could be degraded in 5 min during both processes, the O3/UV process had a 70%mineralization rate that was much higher than that of the independent O3 process (9%) in 30 min. Four possible degradation pathways were proposed based on the organic compounds of intermediate products identified during TAIC degradation through the application of independent O3 and O3/UV processes. pH impacted both the direct and indirect oxidation processes. Acidic and alkaline conditions preferred direct and indirect reactions respectively, with a pH of 9 achieving maximum Total Organic Carbon (TOC) removal. Both CO32– and HCO3– decreased TOC removal, however only CO32– negatively impacted TAIC degradation. Effects of Cl– as a radical scavenger became more marked only at high concentrations (over 500 mg/L Cl–). Particulate and suspended matter could hinder the transmission of ultraviolet light and reduce the production of HO· accordingly.
Triallyl isocyanurate / O3/UV / Advanced oxidation processes (AOP) / Degradation pathway
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