Molecular analysis of bacterial community in the tap water with different water ages of a drinking water distribution system
Feng Wang, Weiying Li, Yue Li, Junpeng Zhang, Jiping Chen, Wei Zhang, Xuan Wu
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3) : 6.
Molecular analysis of bacterial community in the tap water with different water ages of a drinking water distribution system
The increase of water ages drove the deterioration of drinking water quality.
The relative abundance of Rhizobiales uniquely increase during distributing process.
Rhizobiales order was helpful for inhibiting corrosion under high chlorine level.
New disinfecting strategies should be developed to ensure drinking water safety.
Bacterial community in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) was regulated by multiple environmental factors, many of which varied as a function of water age. In this study, four water samples with different water ages, including finished water (FW, 0 d) and tap water (TW) [TW1 (1 d), TW2(2 d) and TW3(3 d)], were collected along with the mains of a practical DWDS, and the bacterial community was investigated by high-throughput sequencing technique. Results indicated that the residual chlorine declined with the increase of water age, accompanied by the increase of dissolved organic matter, total bacteria counts and bacterial diversity (Shannon). For bacterial community composition, although Proteobacteria phylum (84.12%-97.6%) and Alphaproteobacteria class (67.42%-93.09%) kept dominate, an evident regular was observed at the order level. In detail, the relative abundance of most of other residual orders increased with different degrees from the start to the end of the DWDS, while a downward trend was uniquely observed in terms of Rhizobiales, who was inferred to be chlorine-resistant and be helpful for inhibiting pipes corrosion. Moreover, some OTUs were found to be closely related with species possessing pathogenicity and chlorine-resistant ability, so it was recommended that the use of agents other than chlorine or agents that can act synergically with chlorine should be developed for drinking water disinfection. This paper revealed bacterial community variations along the mains of the DWDS and the result was helpful for understanding bacterial ecology in the DWDS.
Bacterial community / Water age / High-throughput sequencing technique / Drinking water distribution system
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