PM2.5-related health impacts of utilizing ammonia-hydrogen energy in Kanto Region, Japan
Mengqian Lu, Bin-Le Lin, Kazuya Inoue, Zhongfang Lei, Zhenya Zhang, Kiyotaka Tsunemi
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (2) : 13.
PM2.5-related health impacts of utilizing ammonia-hydrogen energy in Kanto Region, Japan
Health impacts of utilizing ammonia as chemical carrier were investigated.
Influenced by ammonia emissions, PM2.5 increased 11.7% in winter and 3.5% in summer.
PM2.5-related premature deaths turned to be 351 per year.
Ammonia has emerged as a promising hydrogen carrier with applications as an energy source in recent years. However, in addition to being toxic, gaseous ammonia is a precursor of secondary inorganic aerosols. The concentration of ambient fine particulate matter (PM2.5) is intrinsically connected to public health. In this study, PM2.5-related health impacts of utilizing ammonia-hydrogen energy in Kanto Region, Japan, were investigated. It was assumed that 20% of the electricity consumption in Kanto Region, the most populated area in Japan, was supplied by ammonia-hydrogen energy. The PM2.5 resulted from incomplete ammonia decomposition was simulated by a chemical transport model: ADMER-PRO (modified version). Based on the incremental PM2.5 concentration, health impacts on the elderly (individuals over 65 years old) were quantitatively evaluated. The ammonia emission in this scenario increased PM2.5 by 11.7% (0.16 μg·m–3·y–1) in winter and 3.5% (0.08 μg·m–3·y–1) in summer, resulting in 351 premature deaths per year. This study suggests that cost-effective emissions control or treatment and appropriate land planning should be considered to reduce the associated health impacts of this type of energy generation. In addition, further in-depth research, including cost-benefit analysis and security standards, is needed.
Ammonia emissions / Energy carrier / Hydrogen energy / Fine particulate matters / Atmospheric modeling / Premature death
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