PM10 emissions from industrial coal-fired chain-grate boilers
Xinghua Li, Junzan Han, Lei Duan
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (6) : 18.
PM10 emissions from industrial coal-fired chain-grate boilers
PM in submicron mode emitted from raw coal burning contribute to 33 % of PM10.
PM in submicron mode from briquette coal burning contribute to 86 % of PM10.
Collection efficiency of muticlones and scrubbers is 34% for submicron particle.
Peak of submicron mode in normal operation period is larger than start-up period.
Industrial coal-fired boiler is an important air pollutant emission source in China. The chain-grate boiler is the most extensively used type of industrial coal-fired boiler. An electrical low-pressure impactor, and a Dekati® Low Pressure Impactor were applied to determine mass and number size distributions of PM10 at the inlet and the outlet of the particulate emission control devices at six coal-fired chain-grate boilers. The mass size distribution of PM10 generated from coal-fired chain-grate boilers generally displays a bimodal distribution that contains a submicron mode and a coarse mode. The PM in the submicron mode for burning with raw coal contributes to 33%±10 % of PM10 emissions, much higher than those for pulverized boilers. And the PM in the submicron mode for burning with briquette contributes up to 86 % of PM10 emissions. Multiclones and scrubbers are not efficient for controlling PM10 emission. Their average collection efficiencies for sub-micron particle and super-micron particle are 34% and 78%, respectively. Operating conditions of industrial steam boilers have influence on PM generation. Peak of the submicron mode during normal operation period is larger than the start-up period.
coal-fired chain-grate boiler / PM10 / size distribution / particulate emission control devices / size-dependent collection efficiency
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