Engineering practice of mechanical soil aeration for the remediation of volatile organic compound-contaminated sites in China: Advantages and challenges
Yan Ma, Xiaoming Du, Yi Shi, Deyi Hou, Binbin Dong, Zhu Xu, Huiying Li, Yunfeng Xie, Jidun Fang, Zheng Li, Yunzhe Cao, Qingbao Gu, Fasheng Li
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (6) : 6.
Engineering practice of mechanical soil aeration for the remediation of volatile organic compound-contaminated sites in China: Advantages and challenges
Engineering practice of mechanical soil aeration in China is reviewed.
MSA is a cost-effective technique for VOC-contaminated sites.
Limitations of MSA application have been summarized.
In recent years, many industrial enterprises located in the urban centers of China have been relocated owing to the rapid increase in urban development. At the sites abandoned by these enterprises, volatile organic compounds have frequently been detected, sometimes at high concentrations, particularly at sites abandoned by chemical manufacturing enterprises. With the redevelopment of sites and changes in land-use type associated with these sites, substantial amounts of contaminated soils now require remediation. Since China is a developing country, soil remediation warrants the usage of techniques that are suitable for addressing the unique challenges faced in this country. Land shortage is a common problem in China; the large numbers of contaminated sites, tight development schedules, and limited financial resources necessitate the development of cost-effective methods for land reclamation. Mechanical soil aeration is a simple, effective, and low-cost soil remediation technique that is particularly suitable for the remediation of large volatile organic compound-contaminated sites. Its effectiveness has been confirmed by conducting laboratory studies, pilot tests, and full-scale projects. This study reviews current engineering practice and developmental trends of mechanical soil aeration and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of this technology for application in China as an emerging soil remediation market. The findings of this study might aid technology development in China, as well as assist other developing countries in the assessment and implementation of cost-effective hazardous waste site soil remediation programs.
Soil contamination / Volatile organic compound / Mechanical soil aeration / Engineering practice / China
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