Integrated approach to winery waste: waste generation and data consolidation
Margarida OLIVEIRA, Elizabeth DUARTE
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1) : 168-176.
Integrated approach to winery waste: waste generation and data consolidation
The winemaking process involves the generation of a significant amount of waste and wastewater. These residues should be addressed for recycling or treatment before being returned to environment. As each winery is unique in waste generation and disposal, plans for environmentally friendly waste management are not universal and should be tested for their effectiveness. In this study, a diagnostic was made during three years, in different wineries, throughout Portugal, in order to quantify and characterize the waste and the wastewater produced. The results showed that solid waste and wastewater are mainly produced during the harvest period, corresponding to 74% and 87%, respectively. One ton of processed grape approximately produce 0.13 t marc, 0.06 t lees, 0.03 t of stalks and 1.65 m3 of wastewater. No significant differences (P≤0.05) were observed for grape marc, lees and wastewater ratios, between years or wineries. With respect to the stalk ratio, there was no effect of year but the winery significantly affected this ratio (P≤0.05). During the study period the treated wastewater, since diluted, revealed suitable characteristics for irrigation representing an additional source of water. In this regard, the data acquisition and consolidation ensure the transfer of information and experience which constitute an essential step in a support decision tool design.
waste management / wastewater reuse / winery wastewater
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