Characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static method
Xiaojie SUN, Dunqiu WANG, Wenjing LU, Hongtao WANG
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2012, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : 421-427.
Characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static method
The main purpose of this work is to investigate the characteristics of night soil and leaf co-composting using aerobic static composting method. Three influencing factors, including proportion of night soil and leaf, aeration rate and aeration pattern, were investigated through the evolution of the principal physicochemical properties, i.e., temperature, oxygen consumption rate, organic matters, moisture content, carbon, nitrogen, carbon-to-nitrogen ratio and Germination index (GI). It was found that the 3∶1 (w∶w) mixture of night soil and leaf was capable of achieving the highest composting temperature, longest retention time of high temperature (55°C), and fastest organic matter degradation. The 0.14 m3·min-1·m-3 aeration rate was most beneficial to composting, and the mixture of night soil and leaf maintained the highest temperature for the longest duration and achieved the highest CO2 content and GI. The continuous aeration pattern during composting was superior to an intermittent aeration pattern, since the latter delayed the composting process.
night soil / leaf / aerobic compost / aeration rate / aeration pattern
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