Release of elements from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash
Wei WANG, Lei ZHENG, Feng WANG, Xiao WAN, Keqing YIN, Xingbao GAO
Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2010, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4) : 482-489.
Release of elements from municipal solid waste incineration fly ash
The element-release behavior of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash was explored through leaching test with continuous set-point pH (pHstat test) and serial single reaction cell (SSRC) tests. First, the relationship between element release and acid neutralizing capacity (ANC) consumption was examined with a pHstat test. Four types of release behaviors were identified which are characteristic for different elements: (1) release curves that were almost linear with ANC consumption (Ca, Zn, and Cd); (2) release that was significantly faster than ANC (Na, K, and Cl); (3) curves that featured a strong increase with ANC consumption, after a transient release, followed by an almost equal decrease (Si and S); and (4) release that is strongly retarded compared with ANC consumption (Cr, Cu, and Pb). In the SSRC system, it the existence of a pH front and a wash-out phenomenon is demonstrated. Combining the results from the SSRC test with the kinetic analysis of the ANC system in the pHstat test, it was inferred that less than one-third of the ANC measured from a batch pH titration plays a neutralization role in a field situation. The methodologies described may provide a powerful set of tools for systematic evaluation of element release from solid wastes.
pHstat test / Serial single reaction cell test (SSRC) / leaching / heavy metal
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