Effects of support acidity on the reaction mechanisms of selective catalytic reduction of NO by CH4 in excess oxygen
Shicheng XU, Junhua LI, Dong YANG, Jiming HAO
Effects of support acidity on the reaction mechanisms of selective catalytic reduction of NO by CH4 in excess oxygen
The reaction mechanisms of selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of nitric oxide (NO) by methane (CH4) over solid superacid-based catalysts were proposed and testified by DRIFTS studies on transient reaction as well as by kinetic models. Catalysts derived from different supports would lead to different reaction pathways, and the acidity of solid superacid played an important role in determining the reaction mechanisms and the catalytic activities. Higher ratios of BrØnsted acid sites to Lewis acid sites would lead to stronger oxidation of methane and then could facilitate the step of methane activation. Strong BrØnsted acid sites would not necessarily lead to better catalytic performance, however, since the active surface NOy species and the corresponding reaction routes were determined by the overall acidity strength of the support. The reaction routes where NO2 moiety was engaged as an important intermediate involved moderate oxidation of methane, the rate of which could determine the overall activity. The reaction involving NO moiety was likely to be determined by the step of reduction of NO. Therefore, to enhance the SCR activity of solid superacid catalysts, reactions between appropriate couples of active NOy species and activated hydrocarbon intermediates should be realized by modification of the support acidity.
selective catalytic reduction (SCR) / nitric oxide (NO) / methane / support acidity / BrØnsted acid sites / NOy species
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