Control concept and countermeasures for shallow
lakes' eutrophication in China
JIN Xiangcan, LU Shaoyong, HU Xiaozhen, JIANG Xia, WU Fengchang
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State Environmental Protection Key Laboratory for Lake Pollution Control, Research Center of Lake Environment, Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences
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05 Sep 2008
Issue Date
05 Sep 2008
Research on lake eutrophication in China began in the early 1970s, and many lakes in China are now known to be in meso-eutrophic status. Lake eutrophication has been showing a rapidly increasing trend since 2000. Investigations show that the main reasons for lake eutrophication include a fragile lake background environment, excessive nutrient loading into lakes, excessive human activities, ecological degeneration, weak environmental protection awareness, and lax lake management. Major mechanisms resulting from lake eutrophication include nutrient recycling imbalance, major changes in water chemistry (pH, oxygen, and carbon), lake ecosystem imbalance, and algal prevalence in lakes. Some concepts for controlling eutrophication should be persistently proposed, including lake catchment control, combination of pollutant source control with ecological restoration, protection of three important aspects (terrestrial ecology, lake coast zone, and submerged plant), and combination of lake management with regulation. Measures to control lake eutrophication should include pollution source control (i.e., optimize industrial structural adjustments in the lake catchment, reduce nitrogen and phosphorus emission amounts, and control endogenous pollution) and lake ecological restoration (i.e. establish a zone-lake buffer region and lakeside zone, protect regional vegetation, utilize hydrophytes in renovation technology); countermeasures for lake management should include implementing water quality management, identifying environmental and lake water goals, legislating and formulating laws and regulations to protect lakes, strengthening publicity and the education of people, increasing public awareness through participation in systems and mechanic innovations, establishing lake region management institutions, and ensuring implementation of governance and management measures.
JIN Xiangcan, LU Shaoyong, HU Xiaozhen, JIANG Xia, WU Fengchang.
Control concept and countermeasures for shallow
lakes' eutrophication in China. Front.Environ.Sci.Eng., 2008, 2(3): 257‒266
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