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Comprehensive evaluation of heavy metal contamination
of sediment in Lake Dianchi by using modified AHP method and Cs dating
- ZHANG Yan1, GAO Xiang2, ZHONG Zhenyu2, PENG Buzhuo2, DENG Xihai3
Author information
1.School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University; State Key Laboratory of Soil Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences; 2.School of Geographic and Oceanographic Sciences, Nanjing University; 3.State Key Laboratory of Soil Sustainable Agriculture, Institute of Soil Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences
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Published |
05 Sep 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Sep 2008 |
Through the use of general sampling and measurement by 137 Cs dating, problems regarding the absence of monitoring data can easily be resolved. Further, weighted values need to be determined while Environment Quality Comprehensive Index (EQCI) is commonly used as applied in environmental quality comprehensive evaluation. In order to overcome the subjectivity in determining weights, the modified Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method was designed. The modified AHP method involved the following key procedures: First, the parameters yi1 and yi2 were calculated based on the monitoring data; second, the factors were put in order according to the symbol and value of yi1 and yi2; third, the continuous odd integers, which represented the importance of factors, were given to factors according to their seating order; and, fourth, the factor weights were determined from the pair-wise comparison matrix calculated by the ratio of the given odd integers. Therefore, the weights were completely based on the monitoring data. In the present study, the comprehensive quality of sediments in five sections of Lake Dianchi were evaluated and the results indicated that the current contamination of sediments in each lake section is much more serious than at any other time in history.
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