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Anaerobic treatment of wastewater containing
methanol in up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor
- LIN Yishan, HE Yanling, MENG Zhuo, YANG Shucheng
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Department of Environmental Science and Engineering, Xi'an Jiaotong University;
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Published |
05 Jun 2008 |
Issue Date |
05 Jun 2008 |
The direct conversion of methanol into methane is the main process in anaerobic treatment of methanol containing wastewater. However, acetic acid can also be produced from methanol theoretically, which may probably result in an abrupt pH drop and deteriorate the anaerobic process. Therefore, it is interesting to know what would really happen in an anaerobic reactor treating methanol wastewater. In this study, an up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor treating methanol wastewater was operated. The chemical oxygen demand (COD), acetic acid and pH of the effluent were monitored at different loadings and influent alkalinity. The results showed that the anaerobic reactor could be operated steadily at as low as 119 mg/L of influent alkalinity and high organic loading rate with no obvious pH drops. Volatile fatty acids accumulation was not observed even at strong shock loadings. The microorganisms in the sludge at the end of the test became homogeneous in morphology, which were mainly spherical or spheroidal in shape.
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LIN Yishan, HE Yanling, MENG Zhuo, YANG Shucheng.
Anaerobic treatment of wastewater containing
methanol in up-flow anaerobic sludge bed (UASB) reactor. Front.Environ.Sci.Eng., 2008, 2(2): 241‒246 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11783-008-0040-x
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