Control division of agricultural non-point source pollution at medium-sized watershed scale in Southeast China

HUANG Jinliang, HONG Huasheng, ZHANG Luoping

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Front. Environ. Sci. Eng. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3) : 333-339. DOI: 10.1007/s11783-008-0035-7

Control division of agricultural non-point source pollution at medium-sized watershed scale in Southeast China

  • HUANG Jinliang, HONG Huasheng, ZHANG Luoping
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This paper presents the study carried out for controlling agricultural non-point source pollution (NSP) in a medium-sized watershed covering 1.47 × 104 km2 in Southeast China using quantitative analysis coupled with geographic information system (GIS), universal soil loss equation (USLE), soil conservation service-curve number (SCS-CN), nutrient loss equations, and annualized agricultural nonpoint source model (AnnAGNPS). Based on the quantitative results derived from GIS and environmental models, five control division units were generated for NSP control in Jiulong River watershed, namely, controlling unit for soil losses, controlling unit for livestock breeding and soil losses, controlling unit for excessive fertilizer use and livestock breeding, controlling unit for soil losses and fertilizer use, and controlling unit for excessive fertilizer use and soil losses. This study proved that integrating GIS with environmental models can be adopted to efficiently evaluate major sources and contributors of NSP, and identify the critical source areas of NSP, which enables adjusting measures to local conditions by further control division units developed through such study for control and management of water quality degradation induced by NSP in the Jiulong River watershed.

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HUANG Jinliang, HONG Huasheng, ZHANG Luoping. Control division of agricultural non-point source pollution at medium-sized watershed scale in Southeast China. Front.Environ.Sci.Eng., 2008, 2(3): 333‒339


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