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Call for Papers: Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Special Education

Guest Editors


Guest Editor 1: Prof. Jingying Chen

Affiliation: Faculty of Artificial Intelligence in Education, Central China Normal University, China


Guest Editor 2: Prof. Dan Chen

Affiliation: School of Computer Science, Wuhan University, China


Guest Editor 3: Prof. Honghai Liu

Affiliation: Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China



Executive Associate Guest Editors

Prof. Yonggu Wang, Zhejiang University of Technology, China

Prof. Wei Liu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Assoc. Prof. Leyuan Liu, Central China Normal University, China  


Editorial Board of the Special Issue

Assoc. Prof. Chang Cai, Central China Normal University, China

Assoc. Prof. Huicong Kang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Assoc. Prof. Kun Zhang, Central China Normal University, China

Prof. Guanghai Wang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China

Assoc. Prof. Shixin Peng, Central China Normal University, China

Assoc. Prof. Wei Xu, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Prof. Changxin Gao, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China

Dr. Ruyi Xu, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, China



General Information

Statistical analyses by the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund have found that there are nearly 240 million children with disabilities worldwide Many children with disabilities are excluded from mainstream education. With the constant attention and increased investment of the governments around the world, the special education programme is in a phase of rapid development. With the introduction of artificial intelligence technology, the efficiency of special education has been enhanced, and greatly facilitates the enjoyment of equalised education for special populations. Although the situation has improved in recent decades, education for children with disabilities is still difficult to compare to typically developing children. Moreover, their transition rate to higher levels of education is low. Lack of proper education in early life can have a profound effect on their poverty in adulthood.


Additionally, understanding the neural mechanisms of exceptional children would improve the efficiency of implementing educational strategies, however, research in this area is limited. Interventions such as physical and cognitive training to children with special needs are mandatory to compensate for their deficits. Most of them are highly heritable and show a high recurrence rate, identifying pathophysiological and etiological mechanisms has long been a challenge.


The main objective of this Special Issue is to bring together the new and innovative ideas, experiences and research results from researchers and practitioners on all aspects of special education and artificial intelligence.


Subject Coverage

We invite authors to submit original research to this Special Issue in following potential topics. The topics will include, but not limited to:

Application of AIGC in Special Education

Multimedia Technology in Educational Intervention for Special Children

Behavior Analysis and Intelligent Evaluation of Autism

Intelligent Language Ability Assessment for Children with ASD

Educational Evaluation for Special Children

Personalized Intervention for Special Children

Technology-Based Interventions and Assessments for ASD

Neural Mechanism of ASD

Emotional Cognitive Analysis in Special Education

Other Related Topics on Special Education


Submission Instructions

Frontiers of Digital Education is an international academic journal, aiming to reflect the dynamic trends in digital education policies, academic frontiers, and research hotspots from various countries. The journal explores key issues and challenges in digital education and technological innovation, establishing a distinctive platform for the dissemination and communication of significant achievements in digital education. The dedication of this journal lies in contributing to the advancement of digital education.


The submission platform Editorial Manager® ( is now available for receiving submissions to this Special Issue. Please refer to the Submission guidelines ( to prepare your manuscript.


When submitting a manuscript via Editorial Manager®, under the Additional Information tab, “Are you submitting this manuscript to a Thematic Series?” Answer “Yes” and select the Thematic Series “Artificial Intelligence-Enhanced Special Education”.


All the submissions deemed suitable to be sent for peer review will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers. We sincerely invite you to submit your original work to this special issue and are looking forward to sharing your outstanding research outcomes with the peers around the world.


The submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. All papers are refereed through a peer review process. For more information, please visit



Important Dates

Manuscript Submission Open Date: October 1st, 2024

Manuscript Submission Deadline: Mar 31st, 2025

Publication date: Sept 30th, 2025


For enquiries regarding this Special Issue please contact the editorial office

10-58582344, 10-58581581

Higher Education Press, Beijing, China

Pubdate: 2024-09-30    Viewed: 81