Guidelines for authors

Instructions for Authors

Authors are invited to contribute to Frontiers of Digital Education by submitting research articles that are related to Chinese education and its global interconnections in the following areas. Other topics are also welcome and innovative methods are highly recommended, including quantitative, qualitative, experimental and interdisciplinary methods.

Topics of Interest

–Theoretical Explorations in Digital Education;

–Digital Media Literacy;

–Virtual Simulation Learning Systems;

–Educational Big Data ;

–Digital Transformation;

–Innovative Learning Models;


–Educational Data Insights AI in Education;

–Assessment of Digital Education;

–Smart Class;

–Educational Informatization Transformation;

–Analysis of the Digital Educational Policies in China.

General Editorial Procedure

Authors are requested to submit their articles electronically by using the following website:

This journal has adopted a double-blind reviewing policy, meaning both the referees and author(s) remain anonymous throughout the process. Authors are therefore requested to submit two documents—a title page and a blinded manuscript—at the same time of their submission. The detailed requirements for these two documents can be found in the section of Submission (see below)."

Ethical issues

Authors submitting to the journal should not simultaneously submit the manuscript to another journal, nor should the manuscript have been published elsewhere in a substantially similar form or with substantially similar content.

Authors publishing in Frontiers of Digital Education will be asked to sign a Copyright Transfer Statement. In signing the statement it is assumed that author(s) have obtained permission to use any copyrighted or previously published material. Authors shall agree to the conditions outlined in the statement, and co-authors must sign a Power of Attorney commissioned to the first author. Articles cannot be published until a signed Copyright Transfer Statement and/or a Power of Attorney (if any) is received by the publisher.

Text formatting

The submitted documents should be in Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx, any recent version). PDFs are not acceptable.

The submitted documents must be typed on a standard 8""×11"" (21.0×27.9 cm, size A4) white paper with 1"" margins (2.54 cm) on all sides. Please use 12-point Times New Roman for the text and the lines should be double-spaced.

The title page

    The title page should include:

    – complete contact information for all authors on a separate title page file which includes the name, affiliation*, complete street address, e-mail address, and phone numbers;

    – the article title;

    – a short form of the title as a suggested running head;

    – an abstract of 100–120 words;

    – 3 to 5 keywords.

    * The affiliation information should include both the name of the university and the department/institute/center where the author is based.

    E.g., Department of Education, XX University.

The blinded manuscript

The blinded manuscripts are accepted for review under the following conditions:

    – manuscripts must run between 20 and 50 pages;

    – all author-identifying information in the body of the text, endnotes, and references must be removed;

    – manuscripts should follow APA 6th style;*

    – tables and figures should be included at the end of the manuscripts following the references cited.

    *A special requirement from our journal:

For non-English references, please write it in double languages as below.


Note. All the punctuations in the references should be in English style.

Pubdate: 2024-01-18    Viewed: 502