Since its inception in 2020, the Global Smart Education Conference has served as a crucial platform for international collaboration and exchange in smart education. In a bid to drive effective global practices in smart education, strengthen international understanding and international communication, and promote educational reform and innovation, Beijing Normal University (BNU), in collaboration with UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE), the Commonwealth of Learning (COL), the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), the Arab League Educational, Cultural and Scientific Organization (ALECSO), and the Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO), has jointly initiated the “Global Smart Education Network (GSENet)”. The network has launched the “GSENet Beijing Declaration on Smart Education Strategies”, dedicated to continuously exploring the use of emerging technologies to promote equitable and inclusive high-quality education for all.
As the annual conference of GSENet, the Global Smart Education Conference 2024 will be held in Beijing from August 18 to 20. The conference themed around “Education Transformation & International Understanding”, will feature plenary sessions, high-level dialogues, thematic forums, roundtable discussions, and workshops on smart education policies, technologies, and practices. It aims to release research findings and collaboration plans, showcase exemplary cases and solutions, and facilitate in-depth exchanges and collaboration to collectively pave the way for a brighter future in smart education for all of humanity. For more information, please refer to the official homepage:
The topics of the conference proceedings include but are not limited to:
● Digital Reform and Educational Transformation
● Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Education
● Data Governance and Security
● Academy-Industry Partnership
● International Cooperation
● Quality School Education
● Physical and Mental Wellbeing
● Tertiary Education for Future of Job
● Lifelong Education for All
● Digitalization of Experimental Teaching
● Digital Textbook
● Smart Campus and Education Equipment
● Authentic Assessment
● Blended Education
● Green Learning Agenda
● Showcasing Regional Best Practices
● Smart Learning and Education Design
● Smart Village
● Teacher Education and Digital Literacy
● Chinese Language Teaching
Welcome you to Beijing for the Global Smart Education Conference, and share your opinions and findings on Frontiers of Digital Education with experts in the digital education around the world!