WisdomBot: Tuning Large Language Models with Artificial Intelligence Knowledge
Jingyuan Chen, Tao Wu, Wei Ji, Fei Wu
WisdomBot: Tuning Large Language Models with Artificial Intelligence Knowledge
Large language models (LLMs) have emerged as powerful tools in natural language processing (NLP), showing a promising future of artificial generated intelligence (AGI). Despite their notable performance in the general domain, LLMs have remained suboptimal in the field of education, owing to the unique challenges presented by this domain, such as the need for more specialized knowledge, the requirement for personalized learning experiences, and the necessity for concise explanations of complex concepts. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel LLM for education named WisdomBot, which combines the power of LLMs with educational theories, enabling their seamless integration into educational contexts. To be specific, we harness self-instructed knowledge concepts and instructions under the guidance of Bloom’s Taxonomy as training data. To further enhance the accuracy and professionalism of model’s response on factual questions, we introduce two key enhancements during inference, i.e., local knowledge base retrieval augmentation and search engine retrieval augmentation during inference. We substantiate the effectiveness of our approach by applying it to several Chinese LLMs, thereby showcasing that the fine-tuned models can generate more reliable and professional responses.
artificial intelligence (AI) / large language models (LLMs) / intelligent education
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