Metaverse Services in Computing and Engineering Education

Xiaofei Xu, John Impagliazzo

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Frontiers of Digital Education ›› 2024, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2) : 132-141. DOI: 10.1007/s44366-024-0004-0

Metaverse Services in Computing and Engineering Education

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Amid the digital revolution, this research explores a groundbreaking topic—the potential impact of metaverse services on the future of computing and engineering education. The transformative potential of metaverse services in education is a beacon of the future, promising new learning modes in digital environments. This work poses two questions: Will metaverse services affect computing and engineering education learning? If so, to what extent has computing and engineering education adopted metaverse services in its curricula? To address these queries, the authors researched several metaverse activities affecting computing and engineering education. The new concepts of metaverse services, metaverse education services, and metaverse education service space are presented and analyzed. This research also discusses the influences of metaverse and services on computing and engineering education. The research showed a transformation toward metaverse service education in the evolving digital era. Academic and industry professionals must recognize the critical need to prepare students and graduates for the digital era adequately. The future is coming whereby metaverse, higher education, and services will generate a new destiny for computing and engineering education with new learning modes in digital environments. The transformative potential of metaverse services in education cannot be overstated, and the academic and industry communities must recognize and embrace this phenomenon.

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metaverse education / metaverse services / computing and engineering education / digital era / digital transformation of higher education

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Xiaofei Xu, John Impagliazzo. Metaverse Services in Computing and Engineering Education. Frontiers of Digital Education, 2024, 1(2): 132‒141


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The authors thank the research team on metaverse education and services in Harbin Institute of Technology, and the National Science Foundation of the United States for supporting the DEAP Project (#2111435).

Conflict of Interest

Xiaofei Xu and John Impagliazzo are members of the Editorial Board of Frontiers of Digital Education. They were excluded from the peer-review process and all editorial decisions related to the acceptance and publication of this article. Other editors handled peer review independently to minimize bias.


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