Diblock copolymers with ordered mesophase structures have been used as templates for nano-fabrication. Unfortunately, the ordered structure only exists at micrometer-scale areas, which precludes its use in many advanced applications. To overcome this disadvantage, the diblock copolymer confined in a restricted system with a patterned surface is proved to be an effective means to prohibit the formation of defects and obtain perfect ordered domains. In this work, the morphologies of a thin film of diblock copolymer confined between patterned and neutral surfaces were studied by dissipative particle dynamics. It is shown that the morphology of the symmetric diblock copolymer is affected by the ratio of the pattern period on the surface to the lamellar period of the symmetric diblock copolymer and by the repulsion parameters between blocks and wall particles. To eliminate the defects in the lamellar phase, the pattern period on the surface must match the lamellar period. The difference in the interface energy of different compartments of the pattern should increase with increasing film thickness. The pattern period on the surface has a scaling relationship with the chain length, which is the same as that between the lamellar period and the chain length. The lamellar period is also affected by the polydispersity of the symmetric diblock copolymer. The total period is the average of the period of each component multiplied by the weight of its volume ratio. The morphologies of asymmetric diblock copolymers are also affected by the pattern on the surface, especially when the matching period of the asymmetric diblock copolymer is equal to the pattern period, which is approximately equal to the lamellar period of a symmetric diblock copolymer with the same chain length.
FENG Jian, HUANG Yongmin, LIU Honglai, HU Ying
. Morphologies of diblock copolymer confined in a slit with patterned surfaces studied by dissipative particle dynamics[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2007
, 1(2)
: 132
DOI: 10.1007/s11705-007-0025-5