From high-resolution XPS results (Fig.4), the chemical states of the near-surface element can be studied in the two samples. Two sets of spin-orbit doublets occur in both high-resolution Co 2p spectra in Fig.4(a), which refer to Co 2p
3/2 and 2p
1/2 separately. Each Co species contains double primary peaks and a shakeup satellite. Specifically, in Co 2p peaks of NCS/C/CNT, the peaks at 782.37 and 798.11 eV correspond to the Co
2+ state as peaks at 778.43 and 793.35 eV are associated with the Co
3+ state. It is believed that cobalt in ZIF-67 exists as Co(II) according to previously reported [
38], therefore the Co
2+ in ZIF-67/CNT was oxidized. Similarly, the binding energies at 857.13 and 875.18 eV are respectively characteristic of Ni 2p
3/2 and 2p
1/2 spin orbits of the Ni
3+ state, while the binding energies at 853.16 and 870.60 eV refer to the Ni
2+state for Ni 2p spectrum of Fig.4(b). For the S 2p spectrum of Fig.4(c), the peaks at 160.96 and 162.28 eV, respectively correspond to S 2p
3/2 and S 2p
1/2 orbits of divalent sulfide ions (S
2‒) [
39]. And the faint peaks assigned to the S
22‒ 2p
3/2 and S
22‒ 2p
1/2 at 164.20 and 165.31 eV reflects that there is S-rich structure in NCS/C/CNT and P-NCS/C/CNT. Moreover, the peak at 168.58 eV, triggered by sulfur oxide, is much weaker in P-NCS/C/CNT than NCS/C/CNT, implying that phosphorization facilitates the removal of some sulfur oxides induced by surface oxidization. Compared with NCS/C/CNT, P-NCS/C/CNT shows a slight negative peak shift to lower binding energy in all the 2p spectrums of Co, Ni, and S, probably caused by P atoms that influence the peripheral electrons of Co, Ni, and S. A charge redistribution may occur on the interfaces between NiCoP and CoNi
4 in the light of the deviations of bond energy [
40]. As a consequence, the electrochemical performance of P-NCS/C/CNT can be improved. In addition, the C1s spectra (Fig.4(d)) include three functional groups of C–C, C–O, and C=O with the binding energy of 284.37, 285.83, and 288.72 eV, respectively [
41]. For the O 1s spectra (Fig.4(e)), the metal–oxygen bonds, the absorbed oxygen, and C=O in CNT contribute to the peaks at 532.41, 533.39, and 531.04 eV, respectively [
42]. For the P 2p spectrum of P-NCS/C/CNT (Fig.4(f)), one can find two peaks at 128.90 and 129.90 eV referring to P 2p
3/2 and 2p
1/2, respectively, as well as a peak at 133.45 eV indexed as phosphate-like P [