Dispersion of a novel phenolic rigid organic filler in isotactic polypropylene matrix by solution-mixing and melt-mixing

  • Dongming QI ,
  • Xiaoli ZHAO ,
  • Zhijie CHEN ,
  • Peng HUANG ,
  • Jun CAO
  • Key Laboratory of Advanced Textile Materials and Manufacturing Technology (Ministry of Education), Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, Hangzhou 310018, China

Received date: 05 Aug 2012

Accepted date: 28 Sep 2012

Published date: 05 Dec 2012


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


A novel phenolic rigid organic filler (named KD) with a high melting point was dispersed in an isotactic polypropylene (iPP) matrix by solution-mixing and/or melt-mixing. A series of KD/iPP blends was prepared with or without addition of maleic anhydride-grafted polypropylene (MAPP) as a compatibilizer. Influences of MAPP and mixing methods on the filler dispersion were studied using polaried optical microscope (POM), scanning electron microscope (SEM) and tensile test. The filler particles are always inclined to form large irregular aggregates in the iPP matrix due to their significant differences in polarity and solubility in solvent. However, an iPP/MAPP/KD (PMK) blend containing filler particles with a quasi-spherical shape (~97.8 nm in diameter) and narrow particle size distribution (polydispersity index= 1.076) was successfully prepared by incorporating MAPP to reduce the interfacial tension and surface free energy between the dispersion phase and the continuous phase, and adopting a spray-drying method after solution-mixing to suppress the increase of the size of the dispersed phase during the removal of solvent.

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Dongming QI , Xiaoli ZHAO , Zhijie CHEN , Peng HUANG , Jun CAO . Dispersion of a novel phenolic rigid organic filler in isotactic polypropylene matrix by solution-mixing and melt-mixing[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2012 , 6(4) : 395 -402 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-012-1269-2


This work was supported by Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 50803058 and 51273182) and Zhejiang Provincial Natural Science Foundation of China (No. Y4100221). The authors acknowledge Professor Qinguo Fan in University of Massachusetts and Dr. Jiping Wang in P&G Company for helpful discussions.
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