Lithium-based draw solute for forward osmosis to treat wastewater discharged from lithium-ion battery manufacturing

  • Rongzhen Chen ,
  • Xinfei Dong ,
  • Qingchun Ge
  • College of Environment and Safety Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China

Received date: 31 May 2021

Accepted date: 26 Oct 2021

Published date: 15 May 2022


2022 Higher Education Press


As draw solute is the core element of forward osmosis (FO) technology, here Li-Bet-Tf2N synthesized from a customized ionic liquid betainium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([Hbet][Tf2N]) and Li2CO3 recovered from lithium-ion battery (LIB) wastes is proposed as a novel draw solute to treat Li+-containing wastewater from LIB manufacturing through FO filtration. Having high dissociation ability and an extended structure, Li-Bet-Tf2N generates a sufficiently high osmotic pressure to drive the FO filtration efficiently along with insignificant reverse solute diffusion. Li-Bet-Tf2N produces a water flux of 21.3 L·(m2·h)−1 at 1.0 mol∙L–1 against deionized water, surpassing conventional NaCl and MgCl2 draw solutes with a higher water recovery efficiency and a smaller solute loss. Li-Bet-Tf2N induces a more stable and higher water permeation flux with a 10.0% water flux decline than NaCl and MgCl2 for which the water fluxes decline 16.7% and 16.4%, respectively, during the treatment of 2000 mg∙L–1 Li+-containing wastewater for 12 h. More remarkably, unlike other draw solutes which require intensive energy input and complicated processes in recycling, Li-Bet-Tf2N is easily separated from water via solvent extraction. Reproducible results are achieved with the recycled Li-Bet-Tf2N. Li-Bet-Tf2N thus demonstrates a novel class of draw solute with great potentials to treat wastewater economically.

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Rongzhen Chen , Xinfei Dong , Qingchun Ge . Lithium-based draw solute for forward osmosis to treat wastewater discharged from lithium-ion battery manufacturing[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2022 , 16(5) : 755 -763 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-022-2137-3

1 Introduction

Currently rechargeable lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) are widely used in various fields such as electronic devices and electric vehicles [15]. Li-containing wastewater discharged from LIBs industry has become a severe environmental issue [68]. Traditional technologies face difficulties of incomplete contaminant removal, production of sludge wastes, heavy chemicals requirement and secondary pollution risks [911]. Forward osmosis (FO) has been widely used to treat metal ions-containing wastewater due to its complete removal for a wide range of contaminants, zero-pressure operation and low fouling tendency [1214]. FO is therefore promising to treat Li-containing wastewater more efficiently than those conventional techniques [1517]. However, the lack of a suitable draw solute from which the driving force is regenerated impedes the wide applications of FO technology.
Commercial substances, such as NaCl, MgCl2, NH4HCO3 [18,19] have been proposed for FO draw solutes. However, the commercial draw solutes usually have severe salt leakage and are highly energy-consuming in recycling. Ge and Chung proposed that polyelectrolytes [20] and metal complexes [12] have high water flux and negligible salt flux as draw solution, while high-energy recycling is still a problem. Intelligent materials including nanoparticles [21], hydrogels [22] and ionic liquids [23] have been proposed to solve high-energy recycling, while the synthetic category generally faces challenges of low water permeation flux and low stability problem in the posttreatment.
In this study, we aim to design a novel class of Li-based draw solute from the wastes discharged from LIBs industry and use it to treat Li+-containing wastewater through FO separation. From Li2CO3, a substance recovered from LiCoO2 wastes discharged from LIBs industry [24,25], Li-Bet-Tf2N has been synthesized via a simple neutralization reaction with [Hbet][Tf2N] ionic liquid. The physicochemical properties and FO performance of Li-Bet-Tf2N as a draw solute are systematically investigated [26]. The application of Li-Bet-Tf2N facilitated FO separation in Li-containing wastewater reclamation is extensively studied. The recycling of Li-Bet-Tf2N via a simple solvent extraction strategy is evaluated. With higher water recovery efficiency and lower reverse solute diffusion in FO along with a simpler recycling process when compared with those reported draw solutes [22,23,27], Li-Bet-Tf2N demonstrates its suitability and superiority as a novel class of draw solute, and thus promising to be used for other categories of wastewater treatment.

2 Experimental

2.1 Chemicals

Betaine hydrochloride ([N+(CH3)3CH2COO]∙HCl) (99%, Adamas), lithium sulfate monohydrate (Li2SO4·H2O) (99%, Adamas) and lithium carbonate (Li2CO3) (99%, Adamas) were purchased from Shanghai Titan Technology Co., Ltd. NaCl (99.5%, Adamas), MgCl2·6H2O (98%, Adamas) were provided by Tianjin Fuchen Chemical Reagent Co., Ltd. Lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Li[(CF3SO2)2N]) (99%) was provided by Chengdu Ainahua Chemical Co., Ltd. All chemicals were used as received without further purification. Deionized water was produced by a Millipore ultrapure water system.

2.2 Li-Bet-Tf2N synthesis

Betaine hydrochloride (25.0 mmol, 3.84 g) dissolved in 5 mL water was mixed with Li[(CF3SO2)2N] (25.0 mmol, 7.18 g) in 20.0 mL water. The mixture was stirred for 1 h at room temperature. [Hbet][Tf2N] ionic liquid was synthesized instantly and the formed organic phase was below the aqueous phase. The [Hbet][Tf2N] ionic liquid was then separated and washed with cold water. After that, Li2CO3 (12.5 mmol, 0.93 g) was added, and the mixture was continuously stirred for 30 min, followed by filtration to remove the excessive Li2CO3. Colorless crystalline Li-Bet-Tf2N was obtained after vacuum dry with a yield>99%.

2.3 Li-Bet-Tf2N characterizations

Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and proton nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) were used to identify the chemical composition and functional groups of Li-Bet-Tf2N, respectively. The FTIR iS10 Nicolet spectrometer equipped with Smart Omni-Transmission accessory was used for FTIR analysis, while a Bruker ACF300 (300 MHz) was used for NMR measurements. A SYP1003-III pertroleum product kinematic viscometer and a densitometer (DMA35, Anton Paar) were employed to measure the elution time and density of deionized water and Li-Bet-Tf2N at 25 °C, respectively. The relative viscosity (ηr) of Li-Bet-Tf2N to deionized water was obtained according to Eq. (1) [28]:
ηr = ηη0=tρt0ρ0,
where t and t0 are the respective elution times of Li-Bet-Tf2N and deionized water, while ρ and ρ0 (g∙cm–3) are the respective densities of Li-Bet-Tf2N and deionized water.
A dynamic light scattering nanoparticle size analyzer (Brookhaven Instruments, NanoBrook Omni) was used to measure the hydrated radius of Li-Bet-Tf2N in its aqueous solution. A conductivity meter (DDSJ-308F), pH meter (Horiba pH meter D-54, Japan) and a portable permeameter (Gonotec 3000, Germany) were deployed to evaluate the conductivity, acid-base property and osmotic pressure of Li-Bet-Tf2N solution, respectively.

2.4 FO performance

FO tests were conducted on a lab-scale membrane system tailor-made by Suzhou Faith and Hope Membrane Technology Co., Ltd. A self-made flat sheet polyamide (PA) membrane was used in the FO system. Deionized water and Li2SO4 (0–2000 mg·L−1) solutions served as feed solutions, while Li-Bet-Tf2N, NaCl and MgCl2 were used as draw solutions. The initial volumes of the draw and feed solutions were fixed at 50 mL. The effective membrane area was 4.5 cm2 and both the feed and draw solutions were pumped with an average flow velocity of 1.3 cm∙s–1. A digital balance (BSA224S, Sartorius) was used to record the weight change of the draw solution during the tests. The reverse salt flux was converted from conductivities which were determined by a conductivity meter. All experiments were carried out at room temperature.
Water flux (Jw, L·(m2·h)−1)) was determined by the ratio of the weight changes of Li-Bet-Tf2N solution over the product of membrane surface area and testing duration according to Eq. (2) [29]:
Jw = ΔV AΔt,
where ΔV (L) refers to the volume of permeation water collected in a predetermined time Δt (h) during the test, and A is the effective membrane surface area (m2). The reverse solute flux, (Js, g·(m2·h)−1) was calculated by Eq. (3) [29]:
Js = CtV tC0V0AΔt ,
where Ct (g∙L–1) and Vt (L) are the respective salt concentration and final volume of the feed solution after a certain period of time Δt (h), and C0 (g∙L–1) and V0 (L) are the respective initial salt concentration and volume.
Li2SO4 feed solution at 2000 mg·L–1 was prepared by dissolving certain amount of Li2SO4 in deionized water. Less concentrated feed solution was obtained by diluting the stock solution to a required concentration prior to use. The reverse diffusion of feed solute to the draw solution side was analyzed by inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy (ICP-OES, Optima 7300DV, Perkin Elmer, USA).

3 Results and discussion

3.1 Synthesis and characterization of Li-Bet-Tf2N

As shown in Fig. 1, Li-Bet-Tf2N is synthesized through a one-pot reaction of [Hbet][Tf2N] and Li2CO3 which is recovered from LiCoO2 wastes (Fig. 1(a)). Unlike other recently proposed draw solutes, such as polyelectrolytes [20], hexavalent phosphazene salts [30], hydrogels [31], nanoparticles [22] which are usually synthesized from expensive raw materials, toxic solvents, or through complicated synthesis routes, Li-Bet-Tf2N is synthesized more conveniently, economical and environmental friendly from a recycled material with a shorter synthetic route excluding toxic organic solvents.
Fig.1 (a) Synthesis scheme of Li-Bet-Tf2N; (b) FTIR spectra of betaine and Li-Bet-Tf2N; (c) 1H NMR spectra of betaine and Li-Bet-Tf2N.

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FTIR spectra show a characteristic peak of O–H at 3415 cm–1 in both betaine monomer and Li-Bet-Tf2N (Fig. 1(b)) [32]. The characteristic absorption of C=O stretching vibration appears at 1720 cm–1 in betaine, while it shifts towards low field to 1634 cm–1 in Li-Bet-Tf2N due to the electron withdrawing effects of the cationic Li+. The absorption peaks at 1334 and 1134 cm–1 which are only observed in Li-Bet-Tf2N are from the symmetric and asymmetric stretching vibrations of S=O. The signal at 410 cm–1 in Li-Bet-Tf2N is produced by the vibration of Li–O bond [33].
The protons in N–CH2 (δ = 3.95 ppm) of Li-Bet-Tf2N shift upfield relative to those in betaine (δ = 4.19 ppm) (Fig. 1(c)), due to reduced electron-withdrawing ability of the adjacent carboxyl group after combined with Li+ ions. The resonances of protons in N–CH3 are affected insignificantly from betaine (δ = 3.31 ppm) to the Li-Bet-Tf2N product (δ = 3.32 ppm) because Li+ has negligible effects on the terminal methyl groups. All these observations indicate that Li-Bet-Tf2N is successfully synthesized.

3.2 Li-Bet-Tf2N properties

Li-Bet-Tf2N is soluble well in water and has a pH value of 7.5–8.6 at the concentration changing from 0.2 to 1.0 mol∙L–1, suggesting good compatibility with the PA membrane and potential suitability to be an FO draw solute.
Figure 2 shows that Li-Bet-Tf2N produces an osmotic pressure ranging from 13.0 to 64.8 bar when varying the concentration from 0.2 to 1.0 mol∙L–1 (Fig. 2(a)). The osmotic pressure of Li-Bet-Tf2N is clearly higher than that of NaCl, but is slightly less than that of MgCl2 at the same concentration. Li-Bet-Tf2N, same as MgCl2, is able to ionize more ionic species than NaCl, and hence has a higher osmotic pressure in view of the colligative property of osmotic pressure. Even though Li-Bet-Tf2N and MgCl2 ionize possess the same number of particle theoretically based on their formulas, Li-Bet-Tf2N fails to produce a similar osmotic pressure to that of MgCl2. This may be because Li-Bet-Tf2N which has a large molecular structure easily forms ion pairs than small MgCl2 molecule, resulting in a little lower osmotic pressure.
Fig.2 (a) The osmotic pressure of Li-Bet-Tf2N, NaCl and MgCl2; (b) the relative viscosity of Li-Bet-Tf2N, NaCl and MgCl2 at 25 °C.

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The relative viscosity of all draw solutes increases with their concentration with that of Li-Bet-Tf2N having the largest increment (Fig. 2(b)). This is also related to the largest molecular structure of Li-Bet-Tf2N. Nevertheless, Li-Bet-Tf2N has relative viscosity lower than 1.9 at all studied concentrations, which is much lower than that of draw solutes reported recently, such as 2,3-expoxypropyltrimethylammonium chloride (ETAC) [34], glycerol-oligo(ethyleneoxide)-block-oligo(butylene oxide) polymers (GE7B3) [35], poly(sodium styrene-4-sulfonate-co-n-iso-propyla crylamide) (PSSS-PNIPAM) [36], poly (aspartic acid sodium salt) (PAspNa) [37], gluconate salts [38] and other substances [39,40] yet along with a higher osmotic pressure (Table 1). Compared to those substances, Li-Bet-Tf2N is more ionic with a smaller structure, which leads to a higher osmotic pressure and lower viscosity.
Tab.1 A comparison in osmotic pressure and relative viscosity between Li-Bet-Tf2N and other reported draw solutes at 25 °C
Compound Concentration Osmotic pressure/bar Relative viscosity Ref.
ETAC 20 wt-% 12.0 131.9 [34]
GE3B7 56 wt-% 15.0 62.7 [35]
PSSS-PNIPAM 33.3 wt-% 52.0 76.0 [36]
PAspNa 0.3 g∙mL–1 51.5 4.4 [37]
Gluconate 0.4 mol∙L–1 11.0 1.2 [38]
Li-Bet-Tf2N 1.0 mol∙L–1 64.5 1.9 This work

3.3 FO performance

The FO performance of Li-Bet-Tf2N as a draw solute is comprehensively evaluated and compared with that of NaCl and MgCl2 to identify the pros and cons of Li-Bet-Tf2N in FO separation. The tests have been done in both pressure retarded osmosis (PRO, draw solution facing the membrane active layer) and FO (draw solution facing the porous substrate) modes. Figure 3 indicates that the water flux of Li-Bet-Tf2N increases from 4.0 to 21.3 L·(m2·h)−1 in PRO mode and from 2.7 to 17.3 L·(m2·h)−1 in FO mode when the concentration is enhanced from 0.2 to 1.0 mol∙L–1 (Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)). According to Fig. 2(a), the osmotic pressure of Li-Bet-Tf2N is linearly increased with the concentration, thereby an increased net driving force across the membrane with Li-Bet-Tf2N concentration and achieving a higher water flux. The water flux of the PRO mode is consistently higher than that with the FO mode. Li-Bet-Tf2N may be entrapped in the membrane interior when facing the porous substrate side, that is, the FO mode, thus causing internal concentration polarization (ICP) which detrimentally impacts the FO process and leading to a lower water flux. This phenomenon is also widely observed elsewhere [41]. Nevertheless, Li-Bet-Tf2N outperforms NaCl and is comparable to MgCl2 in FO water permeation flux at the same experimental conditions (Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)). This may be because Li-Bet-Tf2N has a large molecular structure which makes it less easily causing concentration polarization and diffusing to the feed side compared to NaCl and MgCl2.
Fig.3 FO performance comparison between Li-Bet-Tf2N and the conventional draw solutes at room temperature: (a) under the PRO mode; (b) under the FO mode; (c) the polymeric network of Li-Bet-Tf2N in water; (d) size distribution of the Li-Bet-Tf2N polymeric network and FO membrane.

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More remarkably, Li-Bet-Tf2N has a smaller loss (JsJw–1, g∙L–1) than NaCl and MgCl2 in the FO process (Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)). This is largely because the hydration ion radii of the solute particles in both NaCl and MgCl2 fall in the size distribution of the PA FO membrane [42,43]. The severe salt fluxes of NaCl and MgCl2 when used as draw solutes are also observed in other FO systems reported elsewhere [44,45]. The high salt flux of NaCl and MgCl2 aggravates concentration polarization in the FO process and further reduce the water recovery efficiency [46,47]. In contrast, Li-Bet-Tf2N shows a smaller loss. There are plenty of free oxygen atoms in both the cation and anion of Li-Bet-Tf2N which allow the Li-Bet-Tf2N aqueous system to form a large network with water molecules through hydrogen-bonding (Fig. 3(c)). As a result, the hydrated radius of Li-Bet-Tf2N (20.1 nm) is much larger than the mean pore size of the membrane (0.3 nm) (Fig. 3(d)), achieving a smaller solute loss.
Compared with the aforementioned recently proposed draw solutes, ETAC [34], GE7B3 [35], PSSS-PNIPAM [36], PAspNa [37], gluconate salts [38] and other substances [39,40], Li-Bet-Tf2N induces a significantly higher water flux with a comparable or lower solute loss during FO separation (Table 2). This is consistent with their osmotic pressure and inversely proportional to their viscosity (Table 1), and has a reasonable hydrated size to inhibit solute leakage (Fig. 3(c)). Thus Li-Bet-Tf2N draw solute not only has a higher water recovery efficiency, but also avoids contamination to the feed solution and reduces the costs of draw solute replenishment as well. Therefore, Li-Bet-Tf2N as a novel class of draw solute has great potentials in FO applications.
Tab.2 FO performance comparison between Li-Bet-Tf2N and other draw solutes at the best concentration
Compound Concentration Water flux/(L·(m2·h)−1) (Js·Jw–1)/(g∙L–1) Ref.
ETAC 30 wt-% 2.9 0.39 [34]
GE3B7 56 wt-% 4.8 0.28 [35]
PSSS-PNIPAM 33.3 wt-% 4.0 0.5 [36]
PAspNa 0.3 g∙mL–1 16.0 0.19 [37]
Gluconate 0.4 mol∙L–1 6.0 0.17 [38]
Li-Bet-Tf2N 1.0 mol∙L–1 21.3 0.02 This work

3.4 Li-Bet-Tf2N draw solute in Li+-containing wastewater purification

The application of Li-Bet-Tf2N as a draw solute is evaluated in Li+-containing wastewater purification through the FO process. Li2SO4 solution with the concentration of 0–2000 mg∙L–1 is used as feed solution to simulate Li+-containing wastewater. 1.0 mol∙L–1 Li-Bet-Tf2N serves as the draw solution, NaCl and MgCl2 as conventional draw solutes have also been investigated for comparison (Fig. 4).
Fig.4 FO short-term (30 min) performance at room temperature with 0–2000 mg∙L–1 Li2SO4 as feed solutions and 1.0 mol∙L–1 NaCl, MgCl2 and Li-Bet-Tf2N as draw solution, in Li+ removal: (a) under the PRO mode; (b) under the FO mode; (c) the change of water flux in FO long-term (12 h) experiments under the FO mode at room temperature with 2000 mg∙L–1 Li2SO4 as feed solutions and 1.0 mol∙L–1 NaCl, MgCl2 and Li-Bet-Tf2N as draw solution.

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Regardless of the operation under the FO or PRO modes, a constant decline in water flux is observed when gradually elevating the feed concentration from 0 to 2000 mg∙L–1 (Figs. 4(a) and 4(b)). A steady increase in osmotic pressure on the feed side is achieved with the feed concentration increase. That results in a reduced driving force of the FO separation process, leading to a reduced water flux. Consistent with the observations where deionized water as the feed, the water fluxes under the PRO mode surpass those with the FO mode for Li-Bet-Tf2N due to the presence of ICP in the latter. Nevertheless, regardless of the feed concentration and membrane orientation, Li-Bet-Tf2N outperforms both the NaCl and MgCl2 draw solutes in extracting water from the Li+-containing feed solution. These small inorganic salts have severe salt leakage (Figs. 3(a) and 3(b)). This not only causes a reduction in osmotic pressure on the draw solution side and an increase on the feed side, but also enhances the possibility of ICP occurrence, all leading to a decline in water flux. By contrast, Li-Bet-Tf2N has negligible reverse diffusion in the course of FO separation, avoiding the above issues and hence producing a higher water permeation flux.
To evaluate the efficiency and stability of Li-Bet-Tf2N in wastewater reclamation, we extend the experimental duration to 12 h in the FO purification of 2000 mg∙L–1 Li2SO4 solution under the FO mode. The water fluxes of Li-Bet-Tf2N, NaCl and MgCl2 are reduced by 10.0%, 16.7% and 16.4%, respectively, compared to their initial values obtained in 30 min (Fig. 4(c)). As a result, Li-Bet-Tf2N obtains an average water flux of 12.5 L·(m2·h)−1, 32.8% and 13.6% higher than those of NaCl and MgCl2 respectively, suggesting higher water recovery efficiency and better sustainability of Li-Bet-Tf2N than the conventional NaCl and MgCl2 draw solutes in FO water treatment.
One more advantage of using Li-Bet-Tf2N over NaCl or MgCl2 to purify the Li+-containing wastewater is that Li-Bet-Tf2N solves the issue of Li+ reverse diffusion from the feed to the draw solution side. The Li+ ion in the feed solution has a hydrated radius of 0.38 nm which is comparable to that of the pore size of the PA membrane used here [42,43]. Consequently, the Li2SO4 feed solute diffuses to the draw solution during the FO process which is experimentally confirmed. When using 2000 mg∙L–1 Li2SO4 as the feed solution and 1.0 mol∙L–1 MgCl2 as the draw solution which produces a water flux comparable to that of 1.0 mol∙L–1 Li-Bet-Tf2N, 22.1 mg of Li+ is detected on the draw solution side after 12 h FO tests based on the ICP-OES analysis. The observation shows that the draw solution will be polluted in the FO process when treating Li+-containing wastewater. Nevertheless, this problem can be tackled effectively with Li-Bet-Tf2N as the draw solute. According to Fig. 1(a), Li+ ions readily react with [Hbet][Tf2N] ionic liquid to give Li-Bet-Tf2N. As such, the Li+ diffusing from the feed side is conveniently converted to Li-Bet-Tf2N by reacting with a stoichiometric amount of [Hbet][Tf2N] which is added to the Li-Bet-Tf2N solution after FO tests. This not only avoids contamination of draw solution, but also partly replenishes the loss of draw solute which is inevitable in FO operation, suggesting Li-Bet-Tf2N an ideal draw solute for FO Li+-containing wastewater purification.

3.5 Recovery and reuse of Li-Bet-Tf2N

Li-Bet-Tf2N is easily recycled through [Hbet][Tf2N] solvent extraction after FO experiments (Fig. 5). As Li-Bet-Tf2N is much more soluble in [Hbet][Tf2N] than in water, adding [Hbet][Tf2N] to the dilute Li-Bet-Tf2N solution (Fig. 5(a)) extracts the solute to the [Hbet][Tf2N] organic phase from its aqueous solution which stays under the water phase (Fig. 5(b)). Thus the water in the upper layer is separated easily. Diluted HCl is then added to the [Hbet][Tf2N] phase to decompose Li-Bet-Tf2N into [Hbet][Tf2N] and LiCl which dissolves in the upper aqueous phase (Fig. 5(c)). After that, [Hbet][Tf2N] is separated for reuse. Na2CO3 is added to convert LiCl to Li2CO3 precipitate. Li-Bet-Tf2N is finally obtained (Fig. 5(a)) through the reaction illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Compared to the recycling of other synthetic draw solutes which have been achieved via either thermal process [48,49], pressure-driven separation [37], environmental stimuli [50] or other energy intensive approaches [20,51], the recovery of Li-Bet-Tf2N is more facile and efficient without energy input, organic solvent involved and by-products produced. The recycled Li-Bet-Tf2N is re-characterized by 1H NMR, FTIR diffraction and re-evaluated through FO separation. Reproducible results have been obtained, demonstrating the good stability and reusability of Li-Bet-Tf2N as an FO draw solute.
Fig.5 Recycling of Li-Bet-Tf2N via solvent extraction: (a) the aqueous solution of Li-Bet-Tf2N; (b) Li-Bet-Tf2N in the mixed solvents (water in the upper layer while Li-Bet-Tf2N and [Hbet][Tf2N] in the lower layer); (c) LiCl in the upper aqueous layer, while [Hbet][Tf2N] in the lower layer is easily recycled.

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4 Conclusions

A novel Li-Bet-Tf2N draw solute is synthesized via a simple one-pot reaction from Li2CO3 recovered from LIB waste and a plant-derived compound, betaine. Li-Bet-Tf2N outperforms the conventional NaCl and MgCl2 draw solutes with a higher water flux and smaller solute losses. Li-Bet-Tf2N is more suitable to purify Li+-containing wastewater by tackling the Li+ reverse diffusion issue and is easily recovered after FO via solvent extraction. The recycled Li-Bet-Tf2N can be repeatedly used for FO separation, showing great potentials in FO application.


We thank the financial supports from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 21677035) and the Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province (Grant No. 2021J01629).
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