2N is easily recycled through [Hbet][Tf
2N] solvent extraction after FO experiments (Fig. 5). As Li-Bet-Tf
2N is much more soluble in [Hbet][Tf
2N] than in water, adding [Hbet][Tf
2N] to the dilute Li-Bet-Tf
2N solution (Fig. 5(a)) extracts the solute to the [Hbet][Tf
2N] organic phase from its aqueous solution which stays under the water phase (Fig. 5(b)). Thus the water in the upper layer is separated easily. Diluted HCl is then added to the [Hbet][Tf
2N] phase to decompose Li-Bet-Tf
2N into [Hbet][Tf
2N] and LiCl which dissolves in the upper aqueous phase (Fig. 5(c)). After that, [Hbet][Tf
2N] is separated for reuse. Na
3 is added to convert LiCl to Li
3 precipitate. Li-Bet-Tf
2N is finally obtained (Fig. 5(a)) through the reaction illustrated in Fig. 1(a). Compared to the recycling of other synthetic draw solutes which have been achieved via either thermal process [
49], pressure-driven separation [
37], environmental stimuli [
50] or other energy intensive approaches [
51], the recovery of Li-Bet-Tf
2N is more facile and efficient without energy input, organic solvent involved and by-products produced. The recycled Li-Bet-Tf
2N is re-characterized by
1H NMR, FTIR diffraction and re-evaluated through FO separation. Reproducible results have been obtained, demonstrating the good stability and reusability of Li-Bet-Tf
2N as an FO draw solute.