Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering >
Numerical modeling of mass transfer processes coupling with reaction for the design of the ozone oxidation treatment of wastewater
Received date: 23 Feb 2020
Accepted date: 25 May 2020
Published date: 15 Jun 2021
A computational model for an ozone oxidation column reactor used in dyeing wastewater treatment is proposed to represent, simulate, and predict the ozone bubble process. Considering the hydrodynamics, mass transfer, and ozone oxidation reaction, coupling modeling can more realistically calculate the ozone oxidation bubble process than the splitting methods proposed in previous research. The modeling is validated and shows great consistency with experimental data. The verified model is used to analyze the effect of operating conditions, such as the initial gas velocity and the ozone concentration, and structural conditions, such as multiple gas inlets. The ozone consumption is influenced by the gas velocity and the initial ozone concentration. The ozone’s utilization decreases with the increasing gas velocity while nearly the same at different initial ozone concentrations. Simulation results can be used in guiding the practical operation of dyeing wastewater treatment and in other ozonation systems with known rate constants in wastewater treatment.
Key words: ozone; wastewater treatment; numerical simulation; mass transfer
Hong Li , Fang Yi , Xingang Li , Xin Gao . Numerical modeling of mass transfer processes coupling with reaction for the design of the ozone oxidation treatment of wastewater[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2021 , 15(3) : 602 -614 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-020-1963-4
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