Important parameters in plasma jets for the production of RONS in liquids for plasma medicine: A brief review

  • Anna Khlyustova 1,2 ,
  • Cédric Labay 1,2 ,
  • Zdenko Machala 3 ,
  • Maria-Pau Ginebra 1,2 ,
  • Cristina Canal , 1,2
  • 1. Biomaterials, Biomechanics and Tissue Engineering Group, Department of Materials Science and Metallurgy, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 08019, Spain
  • 2. Research centre in Multiscale Science and Engineering, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona 08019, Spain
  • 3. Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics, Comenius University, Bratislava 84248, Slovakia

Received date: 05 Sep 2018

Accepted date: 23 Nov 2018

Published date: 15 Jun 2019


2019 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature


Reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (RONS) are among the key factors in plasma medicine. They are generated by atmospheric plasmas in biological fluids, living tissues and in a variety of liquids. This ability of plasmas to create a delicate mix of RONS in liquids has been used to design remote or indirect treatments for oncological therapy by treating biological fluids by plasmas and putting them in contact with the tumour. Documented effects include selective cancer cell toxicity, even though the exact mechanisms involved are still under investigation. However, the “right” dose for suitable therapeutical activity is crucial and still under debate. The wide variety of plasma sources hampers comparisons. This review focuses on atmospheric pressure plasma jets as the most studied plasma devices in plasma medicine and compiles the conditions employed to generate RONS in relevant liquids and the concentration ranges obtained. The concentrations of H2O2, NO2, NO3 and short-lived oxygen species are compared critically to provide a useful overview for the reader.

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Anna Khlyustova , Cédric Labay , Zdenko Machala , Maria-Pau Ginebra , Cristina Canal . Important parameters in plasma jets for the production of RONS in liquids for plasma medicine: A brief review[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2019 , 13(2) : 238 -252 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-019-1801-8


This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant agreement No. 714793). Authors acknowledge the Ramon y Cajal fellowship of Cristina Canal. Support for the research of Maria Pau Ginebra was received through the “ICREA Academia” prize for excellence in research, funded by the Generalitat de Catalunya. Zdenko Machala acknowledges the support from Slovak Recearch and Development Agency grant APVV-17-0382.
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