Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering >
Cell-free systems in the new age of synthetic biology
Received date: 01 Oct 2016
Accepted date: 23 Nov 2016
Published date: 17 Mar 2017
The advent of synthetic biology has ushered in new applications of cell-free transcription-translation systems. These cell-free systems are reconstituted using cellular proteins, and are amenable to modular control of their composition. Here, we discuss the historical advancement of cell-free systems, as well as their new applications in the rapid design of synthetic genetic circuits and components, directed evolution of biomolecules, diagnosis of infectious diseases, and synthesis of vaccines. Finally, we present our vision on the future direction of cell-free synthetic biology.
Key words: cell-free system; application
Fernando Villarreal , Cheemeng Tan . Cell-free systems in the new age of synthetic biology[J]. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 2017 , 11(1) : 58 -65 . DOI: 10.1007/s11705-017-1610-x
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