Effect of different acid anions on highly efficient Ce-based catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3
De Fang, Guanlin Huang, Jingyi Yang, Shengxing Pan, Caihong Lv, Da Li
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (10) : 1399-1411.
Effect of different acid anions on highly efficient Ce-based catalysts for selective catalytic reduction of NO with NH3
Three kinds of Ce-based catalysts (CePO4, CeVO4, Ce2(SO4)3) were synthesized and used for the selective catalytic reduction (SCR) of NO by NH3. NH3-SCR performances were conducted in the temperature range of 80 to 400 °C. The catalytic efficiencies of the three catalysts are as follow: CePO4 > CeVO4 > Ce2(SO4)3, which is in agreement with their abilities of NH3 adsorption capacities. The highest NO conversion rate of CePO4 could reach about 95%, and the catalyst had more than 90% NO conversion rate between 260 and 320 °C. The effect of PO43–, VO43– and SO42– on NH3-SCR performances of Ce-based catalysts was systematically investigated by the X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy analysis, NH3 temperature programmed desorption, H2 temperature programmed reduction and field emission scanning electron microscopy tests. The key factors that can enhance the SCR are the existence of Ce4+, large NH3 adsorption capacity, high and early H2 consumptions, and suitable microstructures for gas adsorption. Finally, CePO4 and CeVO4 catalysts also exhibited relatively strong tolerance of SO2, and the upward trend about 8% was detected due to the sulfation enhancement by SO2 for Ce2(SO4)3.
CePO4 / CeVO4 / Ce2(SO4)3 / selective catalytic reduction / NO removal
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