Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex with heuristic algorithm
Lifeng Zhang, Haoyang Hu, Zhiquan Wang, Zhihong Yuan, Bingzhen Chen
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (10) : 1516-1532.
Enterprise-wide optimization of integrated planning and scheduling for refinery-petrochemical complex with heuristic algorithm
This paper focuses on the integrated problem of long-term planning and short-term scheduling in a large-scale refinery-petrochemical complex, and considers the overall manufacturing process from the upstream refinery to the downstream petrochemical site. Different time scales are incorporated from the planning and scheduling subproblems. At the end of each discrete time period, additional constraints are imposed to ensure material balance between different time scales. Discrete time representation is applied to the planning subproblem, while continuous time is applied to the scheduling of ethylene cracking and polymerization processes in the petrochemical site. An enterprise-wide mathematical model is formulated through mixed integer nonlinear programming. To solve the problem efficiently, a heuristic algorithm combined with a convolutional neural network (CNN), is proposed. Binary variables are used as the CNN input, leading to the integration of a data-driven approach and classical optimization by which a heuristic algorithm is established. The results do not only illustrate the detailed operations in a refinery and petrochemical complex under planning and scheduling, but also confirm the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm for solving large-scale problems.
planning / scheduling / refinery-petrochemical / convolutional neural network / heuristic algorithm
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Main units in refinery and petrochemical
Unit | Abbreviation |
Refinery units | |
Delayed coking unit | DCU |
Wax oil hydrotreating unit | WHU |
Hydrocracking unit | HDT |
Catalytic cracking unit | CCU |
Coking naphtha hydrotreating unit | CNHT |
Naphtha hydrotreating unit | NHT |
Dry liquefied gas desulfurization unit | LDU |
Liquefied gas separation unit | LSU |
Dry gas separation unit A | DSU A |
Continuous reformer | CRU |
Aromatics complex | ARU |
Naphtha n-isomer separation unit | NSU |
Jet fuel hydrogenation unit | JHT |
Diesel hydrocracking unit A | DHT A |
Diesel hydrocracking unit B | DHT B |
Gas fractionation unit | GFU |
Alkylation unit | AKU |
Hydrogen deep recovery device | HDRU |
Hydrogen recovery unit | HRU |
Dry gas separation unit B | DSU B |
Catalytic gasoline hydrogenation unit | CHU |
Jet fuel hydrogenation unit | JHT |
Coke hydrogen production unit | CHP |
Sulfur recovery unit | SRU |
Petrochemical units | |
Gasoline hydrogenation unit | GHT |
Butadiene extraction unit | BEU |
MTBE/butene-1 unit | MTBE |
Styrene unit | STU |
Full density polyethylene unit | FDPE |
Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene unit | ABS |
Acetonitrile unit | ATU |
methyl methacrylate unit | MMA |
Acrylonitrile polymerization unit | APU |
High density polyethylene unit | HDPE |
Polypropylene unit | PP |
Main products from refinery and petrochemical
Refinery product | Petrochemical product | ||
92# gasoline | Pitch | C5 | C9+ |
95# gasoline | PX | Propylene | Butadiene |
98# gasoline | Petroleum coke | Styrene | MMA |
Jet fuel | Butane | Acetonitrile | Acrylonitrile |
Diesel | Sulfur | LLDPE | HDPE |
Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) | Ammonia | PP | |
Benzene | Fuel oil | ||
Methylbenzene (PhMe) |
C | Set for crude distillation units |
O | Set for crude oils |
T | Set for time periods |
N | Set for time plots in scheduling of ethylene cracking |
J | Set for time plots in scheduling of polymerization process |
S | Set for stream |
R | Set for raw materials |
U | Set for processing units |
M | Set for operation modes |
I | Set for intermediate stream tanks |
P | Set for products |
K | Set for cracking furnaces |
Q | Set for polymerization reactors |
L | Set for polymer products |
G | Set for grades of polymer products |
Price of product p at time t | |
Price of grade g in polymer l from reactor q at time t | |
Price of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Price of raw material r at time t | |
Inventory cost of crude oil o in CDU c | |
Inventory cost of product p | |
Inventory cost of grade g in polymer l from reactor q | |
Process cost of crude oil o in CDU c | |
Operation cost of unit u | |
Operation cost of furnace k | |
Operation cost of reactor q | |
Clean up cost of furnace k | |
Changeover cost from intermediate i to ii in furnace k | |
Changeover cost from grade g to g' in polymer l from reactor q | |
Minimum capacity of CDU c | |
Maximum capacity of CDU c | |
Minimum purchase amount of crude oil o to CDU c | |
Maximum purchase amount of crude oil o to CDU c | |
Initial inventory of crude oil o to CDU c | |
Minimum inventory of crude oil o to CDU c | |
Maximum inventory of crude oil o to CDU c | |
Minimum cut point for stream s of crude oil o from CDU c | |
Maximum cut point for stream s of crude oil o from CDU c | |
Constant inlet ratio of raw material r to unit u | |
Minimum capacity of unit u | |
Maximum capacity of unit u | |
Constant yield of stream s in mode m in unit u | |
Initial inventory of intermediate i | |
Time length of each time period | |
Minimum flowrate of intermediate i to furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Maximum flowrate of intermediate i to furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Maximum operation time for furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Coefficient of yield of stream s from intermediate i in furnace k | |
Coefficient of yield of stream s from intermediate i in furnace k | |
Coefficient of yield of stream s from intermediate i in furnace k | |
Minimum yield of grade g of polymer l from reactor q | |
Maximum yield of grade g of polymer l from reactor q | |
Constant changeover time from grade g to g' of polymer l in reactor q | |
Minimum capacity of reactor q | |
Maximum capacity of reactor q | |
Minimum demand of grade g of polymer l from reactor q at time t | |
Maximum demand of grade g of polymer l from reactor q at time t | |
Minimum demand of product p at time t | |
Maximum demand of product p at time t |
Purchase decision of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Process decision of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Assignment of operation mode m to unit u at time t | |
Assignment of intermediate i to furnace k in plot n at time t | |
Assignment of changeover from intermediate i to ii for furnace k in plot n at time t | |
Assignment of clean up operation to furnace k in plot n at time t | |
Assignment of grade g to polymer l from reactor q in plot j at time t | |
Assignment of changeover from grade g to g' of polymer l from reactor q in plot j at time t |
z | Total profit as the objective function |
Process flowrate of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Purchase amount of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Inventory amount of crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Cut point of stream s from crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Yield value of stream s from crude oil o for CDU c at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from CDU c at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from CDU c to unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from CDU c to product p at time t | |
Inlet flowrate to unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of intermediate i to unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of raw material r to unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from unit u’ to unit u at time t | |
Inlet flowrate to mode m in unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from unit u at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from unit u to product p at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from unit u to intermediate i at time t | |
Inventory amount of intermediate i at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from furnace k to intermediate i at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of intermediate i to furnace k at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of intermediate i to reactor q in slot j at time t | |
Start time of slot n in furnace k at time t | |
End time of slot n in furnace k at time t | |
Duration time of slot n in furnace k at time t | |
Total operation time for furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of intermediate i to furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Yield of stream s from intermediate i in furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of stream s from furnace k in slot n at time t | |
Start time of slot j in reactor q at time t | |
End time of slot j in reactor q at time t | |
Duration time of slot j in reactor q at time t | |
Yield of grade g in polymer l in reactor q in slot j at time t | |
Changeover time of reactor q in slot j at time t | |
Inlet flowrate to reactor q in slot j at time t | |
Inlet flowrate to reactor q from raw material r in slot j at time t | |
Outlet flowrate of grade g in polymer l from reactor q in slot j at time t | |
Sale amount of grade g in polymer l from reactor q at time t | |
Inventory amount of grade g in polymer l from reactor q at time t | |
Sale amount of product p at time t | |
Inventory amount of product p at time t |
〈 |
〉 |