Metal phosphonate-derived cobalt/nickel phosphide@N-doped carbon hybrids as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrodes for Zn−air batteries
Cai-Yue Wang, Meng-Qi Gao, Cheng-Cai Zhao, Li-Min Zhao, Hui Zhao
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (9) : 1367-1376.
Metal phosphonate-derived cobalt/nickel phosphide@N-doped carbon hybrids as efficient bifunctional oxygen electrodes for Zn−air batteries
The exploration of efficient bifunctional electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction is pivotal for the development of rechargeable metal–air batteries. Transition metal phosphides are emerging as promising catalyst candidates because of their superb activity and low cost. Herein, a novel metal phosphonate-derived cobalt/nickel phosphide@N-doped carbon hybrid was developed by a carbothermal reduction of cobalt/nickel phosphonate hybrids with different Co/Ni molar ratios. The metal phosphonate derivation method achieved an intimately coupled interaction between metal phosphides and a heteroatom-doped carbon substrate. The resultant Co2P/Ni3P@NC-0.2 enables an impressive electrocatalytic oxygen reduction reaction activity, comparable with those of state-of-the-art Pt/C catalysts in terms of onset potential (0.88 V), 4e‒ selectivity, methanol tolerance, and long-term durability. Moreover, remarkable oxygen evolution reaction activity was also observed in alkaline conditions. The high activity is ascribed to the N-doping, abundant accessible catalytic active sites, and the synergistic effect among the components. This work not only describes a high-efficiency electrocatalyst for both oxygen reduction reaction and oxygen evolution reaction, but also highlights the application of metal phosphonate hybrids in fabricating metal phosphides with tunable structures, which is of great significance in the energy conversion field.
metal phosphonate / cobalt/nickel phosphide / N-doped carbon / oxygen electrochemistry / Zn−air battery
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