Block copolymers as efficient cathode interlayer materials for organic solar cells
Dingqin Hu, Jiehao Fu, Shanshan Chen, Jun Li, Qianguang Yang, Jie Gao, Hua Tang, Zhipeng Kan, Tainan Duan, Shirong Lu, Kuan Sun, Zeyun Xiao
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (3) : 571-578.
Block copolymers as efficient cathode interlayer materials for organic solar cells
Emerging needs for the large-scale industrialization of organic solar cells require high performance cathode interlayers to facilitate the charge extraction from organic semiconductors. In addition to improving the efficiency, stability and processability issues are major challenges. Herein, we design block copolymers with well controlled chemical composition and molecular weight for cathode interlayer applications. The block copolymer coated cathodes display high optical transmittance and low work function. Conductivity studies reveal that the block copolymer thin film has abundant conductive channels and excellent longitudinal electron conductivity due to the interpenetrating networks formed by the polymer blocks. Applications of the cathode interlayers in organic solar cells provide higher power conversion efficiency and better stability compared to the most widely-applied ZnO counterparts. Furthermore, no post-treatment is needed which enables excellent processability of the block copolymer based cathode interlayer.
organic solar cell / block copolymer / cathode interlayer
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