A new approach for fuel injection into a solar receiver/reactor: Numerical and experimental investigation
M Helal Uddin, Nesrin Ozalp, Jens Heylen, Cedric Ophoff
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 683-696.
A new approach for fuel injection into a solar receiver/reactor: Numerical and experimental investigation
An innovative and efficient design of solar receivers/reactors can enhance the production of clean fuels via concentrated solar energy. This study presents a new jet-type burner nozzle for gaseous feedstock injection into a cavity solar receiver inspired from the combustion technology. The nozzle design was adapted from a combustion burner and successfully implemented into a solar receiver and studied the influence of the nozzle design on the fluid mixing and temperature distribution inside the solar receiver using a 7 kW solar simulator and nitrogen as working fluid. Finally, a thorough computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis was performed and validated against the experimental results. The CFD results showed a variation of the gas flow pattern and gas mixing after the burner nozzle adaptation, which resulted an intense effect on the heat transfer inside the solar receiver.
solar reactor / nozzle / CFD / heat transfer / mixing and recirculation
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