Research and development of hydrocracking catalysts and technologies in China
Chong Peng, Yanze Du, Xiang Feng, Yongkang Hu, Xiangchen Fang
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 867-877.
Research and development of hydrocracking catalysts and technologies in China
Hydrocracking of petroleum feedstock represents a compelling route for the production of industrial clean fuels, which has triggered the continuous research and development of core technology related areas such as catalysts, reaction engineering and engineering design. This review particularly focuses on the research and development of catalysts and catalytic processes for hydrocracking of petroleum feedstock in China. Hydroprocessing technologies of China keep pace with the up-to-date progress of the world, and some of the technologies have achieved leading role in the world. It is noted that China Petroleum and Chemical Corporation has a full range of hydroprocessing technologies and provides corresponding “tailor-made” catalysts. Through the efforts of several generations, 20 categories of the catalysts including more than 60 brands have been developed, among which more than 40 brands have been successfully applied for more than 130 times. Importantly, the pivotal technical improvements including the deep drawing vacuum gas-oil (VGO) and de-asphalting oil hydrocracking technology to improve material adaptability, the high value-added hydrogenation technology to convert high aromatic diesel conversion to naphtha, the hydrocracking technology using VGO-catalytic diesel blends, the Fushun Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals’ diesel to gasoline and diesel hydrocracking technologies, and the Sheer hydrocracking technology to reduce energy are reviewed.
hydrocracking / process / catalyst / China
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