Progress in membrane distillation crystallization: Process models, crystallization control and innovative applications
Xiaobin Jiang, Linghan Tuo, Dapeng Lu, Baohong Hou, Wei Chen, Gaohong He
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2017, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4) : 647-662.
Progress in membrane distillation crystallization: Process models, crystallization control and innovative applications
Membrane distillation crystallization (MDC) is a promising hybrid separation process that has been applied to seawater desalination, brine treatment and wastewater recovery. In recent years, great progress has been made in MDC technologies including the promotion of nucleation and better control of crystallization and crystal size distribution. These advances are useful for the accurate control of the degree of supersaturation and for the control of the nucleation kinetic processes. This review focuses on the development of MDC process models and on crystallization control strategies. In addition, the most important innovative applications of MDC in the last five years in crystal engineering and pharmaceutical manufacturing are summarized.
membrane distillation crystallization / mathematics model / nucleation / separation / hybrid process
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