Development, applications and challenges of ReaxFF reactive force field in molecular simulations
You Han, Dandan Jiang, Jinli Zhang, Wei Li, Zhongxue Gan, Junjie Gu
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (1) : 16-38.
Development, applications and challenges of ReaxFF reactive force field in molecular simulations
As an advanced and new technology in molecular simulation fields, ReaxFF reactive force field has been developed and widely applied during the last two decades. ReaxFF bridges the gap between quantum chemistry (QC) and non-reactive empirical force field based molecular simulation methods, and aims to provide a transferable potential which can describe many chemical reactions with bond formation and breaking. This review presents an overview of the development and applications of ReaxFF reactive force field in the fields of reaction processes, biology and materials, including (1) the mechanism studies of organic reactions under extreme conditions (like high temperatures and pressures) related with high-energy materials, hydrocarbons and coals, (2) the structural properties of nanomaterials such as graphene oxides, carbon nanotubes, silicon nanowires and metal nanoparticles, (3) interfacial interactions of solid-solid, solid-liquid and biological/inorganic surfaces, (4) the catalytic mechanisms of many types of metals and metal oxides, and (5) electrochemical mechanisms of fuel cells and lithium batteries. The limitations and challenges of ReaxFF reactive force field are also mentioned in this review, which will shed light on its future applications to a wider range of chemical environments.
ReaxFF / reaction mechanism / nanomaterials / interfacial interaction / catalyst / fuel cell
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