Ti incorporation in MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves using hydrothermal synthesis
Shengping WANG, Changqing MA, Yun SHI, Xinbin MA
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2014, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (1) : 95-103.
Ti incorporation in MCM-41 mesoporous molecular sieves using hydrothermal synthesis
Titanium-containing mesoporous materials (Ti-MCM-41) were obtained by hydrothermal synthesis. Such materials are active catalysts for the transesterification of dimethyl oxalate and phenol to produce diphenyl oxalate. To understand the role of the Ti in the catalytic process, Ti-MCM-41 samples with different Si/Ti ratios (from 5 to 100) were prepared and the samples were analyzed by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, UV-visible spectroscopy, and ammonia temperature programmed desorption. It was concluded that the Ti is incorporated into the framework of the MCM-41 and formed weak Lewis acid sites. In addition, the number of Ti(IV) sites increased as the amount of titanium increased. X-ray powder diffraction, N2 adsorption-desorption and transmission electron microscopy results showed that the Ti-MCM-41 samples have a hexagonal arrangement of mono-dimensional pores. A large number of Ti(IV) sites coupled with the mesoporous structure and large pore diameters are favorable for the transesterification catalytic properties of Ti-MCM-41.
Ti-MCM-41 / mesoporous molecular sieve / acid sites / transesterification / hydrothermal synthesis
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