Chemically reactive solute transfer in a boundary layer slip flow along a stretching cylinder
Swati Mukhopadhyay
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (3) : 385-391.
Chemically reactive solute transfer in a boundary layer slip flow along a stretching cylinder
This paper presents the distribution of a solute undergoing a first order chemical reaction in an axisymmetric laminar boundary layer flow along a stretching cylinder. Velocity slip condition at the boundary is used instead of no-slip condition. Similarity transformations are used to convert the partial differential equations corresponding to momentum and concentration into highly nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Numerical solutions of these equations are obtained by the shooting method. The velocity decreases with increasing slip parameter. The skin friction as well as the mass transfer rate at the surface is larger for a cylinder than for a flat plate.
boundary layer / stretching cylinder / partial slip / mass transfer / similarity solution
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