Highly effective extraction of oil from soybean by pretreatment of solid-state fermentation with fungi
Xiaojuan NIU, Shuyi QIU, Yuangen WU, Jie YUAN, Yingying XU
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 122-125.
Highly effective extraction of oil from soybean by pretreatment of solid-state fermentation with fungi
The solid-state prefermentation by Aspergillus niger (CICC 2377) and Aspergillus flavus (CICC 40536) was employed to increase the oil extraction yield from soybean. The influence of incubation time on oil yield was investigated. The maximum oil yield extracted from the substrate prefermented by Aspergillus niger for 96 h was 23%, which increased by 47.4% compared with control (15.6%). In the same fermentation conditions, the maximum oil yield extracted from substrate prefermented by Aspergillus flavus was 21.6%, which increased by 38.5% compared with control (15.6%). The quality of soybean oil was not changed obviously by the pretreatment of fermentation with fungi.
soybean / Aspergillus niger / Aspergillus flavus / solid-state fermentation / extraction of oil
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