A review on transport of coal seam gas and its impact on coalbed methane recovery
Geoff G.X. WANG, Xiaodong ZHANG, Xiaorong WEI, Xuehai FU, Bo JIANG, Yong QIN
Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2011, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (2) : 139-161.
A review on transport of coal seam gas and its impact on coalbed methane recovery
This paper presents a summary review on mass transport of coal seam gas (CSG) in coal associated with the coalbed methane (CBM) and CO2 geo-sequestration enhanced CBM (CO2-ECBM) recovery and current research advances in order to provide general knowledge and fundamental understanding of the CBM/ECBM processes for improved CBM recovery. It will discuss the major aspects of theory and technology for evaluation and development of CBM resources, including the gas storage and flow mechanism in CBM reservoirs in terms of their differences with conventional natural gas reservoirs, and their impact on CBM production behavior. The paper summarizes the evaluation procedure and methodologies used for CBM exploration and exploitation with some recommendations.
mass transport / coal seam gas (CSG) / coalbed methane (CBM) / coal / CBM recovery / carbon dioxide storage
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