Synthesis of methanol and ethanol over CuZnAl slurry catalyst prepared by complete liquid-phase technology

Wei HUANG, Linmei YU, Wenhui LI, Zhili MA

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Front. Chem. Sci. Eng. ›› 2010, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (4) : 472-475. DOI: 10.1007/s11705-010-0525-6

Synthesis of methanol and ethanol over CuZnAl slurry catalyst prepared by complete liquid-phase technology

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A new method, named the complete liquid-phase technology, has been applied to prepare catalysts for methanol synthesis. Its main innovative thought lies in preparing slurry catalysts directly from raw solution. Activity tests indicate that the CuZnAl slurry catalyst prepared by the new method can efficiently catalyze conversion of syngas to ethanol in a slurry reactor, while CO conversion reaches 35.9% and ethanol selectivity is more than 20%, with a total alcohol selectivity of more than 87%. No deactivation was found during the 192 h reaction .


methanol / slurry / ethanol / complete liquid-phase technology / CuZnAl catalyst

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Wei HUANG, Linmei YU, Wenhui LI, Zhili MA. Synthesis of methanol and ethanol over CuZnAl slurry catalyst prepared by complete liquid-phase technology. Front Chem Eng Chin, 2010, 4(4): 472‒475


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