Unsupervised spectral feature selection algorithms for high dimensional data
Mingzhao WANG, Henry HAN, Zhao HUANG, Juanying XIE
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (5) : 175330.
Unsupervised spectral feature selection algorithms for high dimensional data
It is a significant and challenging task to detect the informative features to carry out explainable analysis for high dimensional data, especially for those with very small number of samples. Feature selection especially the unsupervised ones are the right way to deal with this challenge and realize the task. Therefore, two unsupervised spectral feature selection algorithms are proposed in this paper. They group features using advanced Self-Tuning spectral clustering algorithm based on local standard deviation, so as to detect the global optimal feature clusters as far as possible. Then two feature ranking techniques, including cosine-similarity-based feature ranking and entropy-based feature ranking, are proposed, so that the representative feature of each cluster can be detected to comprise the feature subset on which the explainable classification system will be built. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithms is tested on high dimensional benchmark omics datasets and compared to peer methods, and the statistical test are conducted to determine whether or not the proposed spectral feature selection algorithms are significantly different from those of the peer methods. The extensive experiments demonstrate the proposed unsupervised spectral feature selection algorithms outperform the peer ones in comparison, especially the one based on cosine similarity feature ranking technique. The statistical test results show that the entropy feature ranking based spectral feature selection algorithm performs best. The detected features demonstrate strong discriminative capabilities in downstream classifiers for omics data, such that the AI system built on them would be reliable and explainable. It is especially significant in building transparent and trustworthy medical diagnostic systems from an interpretable AI perspective.
feature selection / spectral clustering / feature ranking techniques / entropy / cosine similarity
Mingzhao Wang is a post doctor supervised by professor Juanying XIE at School of Computer Science in Shaanxi Normal University, China. He got his PhD degree in bioinformatics and MS degree in software and theory of computer science from Shaanxi Normal University, China in 2021 and 2017, respectively. He got his BS degree in computer science from Shanxi Normal University, China in 2014. His research interests include machine learning and bioinformatics
Henry Han received the PhD degree from University of Iowa, USA in 2004. He is currently McCollum Endowed Chair in Data Science and professor of computer science with the Department of Computer in the Rogers College of Engineering and Computer Science at Baylor University, USA. His current research interests include AI, data science, fintech, big data, quantum computing, and cybersecurity. He published more than 90 articles in leading journals and conferences in these fields. He was professor of computer science at Fordham University, USA and the founding director of MS in cybersecurity besides the associate Chair of department of computer information science
Zhao Huang received the MSc degree in information science from City University, UK in 2006 and PhD degree in the field of information systems and computing at Brunel University, UK in 2011. From 2011 to 2013, he was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Telfer School of Management at the University of Ottawa, Canada. He is an associate professor at School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, China. His research interests include information systems, human-computer interaction, and intelligent recommendation systems
Juanying Xie is a professor and a PhD student supervisor at School of Computer Science in Shaanxi Normal University, China. She got her PhD and MS degrees from Xidian University, China in 2012 and 2004, respectively. She got her BS degree from Shaanxi Normal University, China in 1993. Her research interests include machine learning, data mining, and biomedical data analysis. Her research is highly cited, with one article in the top 1% of ESI and one as Top 3 in the hotspot articles of “SCIENTIA SINICA Informationis” and 3 articles included in F5000. She is an associate editor of Health Information Science and Systems, and an editor board member of the journal of Shaanxi Normal University (Natural Science Edition)
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