A fully abstract semantics for value-passing CCS for trees
Ying JIANG, Shichao LIU, Thomas EHRHARD
Front. Comput. Sci. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4) : 828-849.
A fully abstract semantics for value-passing CCS for trees
We propose a fully abstract semantics for valuepassing CCS for trees (VCCTS) with the feature that processes are located at the vertices of a graph whose edges describe possible interaction capabilities. The operational semantics is given both in terms of a reduction semantics and in terms of a labelled transition semantics. We develop a theory of behavioral equivalences by introducing both weak barbed congruence and weak bisimilarity. In particular, we show that, on image-finite processes, weak barbed congruence coincides with weak bisimilarity. To illustrate potential applications and the powerful expressiveness of VCCTS, we formally compare VCCTS with some well-known models, e.g., dynamic pushdown networks, top-down tree automata and value-passing CCS.
process calculus / non-interleaving semantics / barbed congruence / bisimulation
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