Proposal for CEP measurement based on terahertz air photonics
Kejia WANG, Xinyang GU, Jinsong LIU, Zhengang YANG, Shenglie WANG
Proposal for CEP measurement based on terahertz air photonics
Single-shot carrier envelope phase (CEP) measurement is a challenge in the research field of ultrafast optics. We theoretically investigate how an intense terahertz pulse modulates second harmonic emission (SH) from a gas plasma induced by a few-cycle laser pulse (FCL). Results show that the modulation quantity of SH intensity has a cosinoidal dependence on the CEP of FCL pulses, based on which we propose a low energy, all-optical method for single-shot CEP measurements via using a known intense terahertz pulse. Moreover, we propose an experimental realization.
ultrafast measurements / far-infrared or terahertz / ultrafast nonlinear optics / harmonic generation and mixing
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