Detection of photonic orbital angular momentum with micro- and nano-optical structures
Chenhao WAN, Guanghao RUI, Jian CHEN, Qiwen ZHAN
Front. Optoelectron. ›› 2019, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1) : 88-96.
Detection of photonic orbital angular momentum with micro- and nano-optical structures
Light with an optical orbital angular momentum (OAM) has attracted an increasing amount of interest and has found its way into many disciplines ranging from optical trapping, edge-enhanced microscopy, high-speed optical communication, and secure quantum teleportation to spin-orbital coupling. In a variety of OAM-involved applications, it is crucial to discern different OAM states with high fidelity. In the current paper, we review the latest research progress on OAM detection with micro- and nano-optical structures that are based on plasmonics, photonic integrated circuits (PICs), and liquid crystal devices. These innovative OAM sorters are promising to ultimately achieve the miniaturization and integration of high-fidelity OAM detectors and inspire numerous applications that harness the intriguing properties of the twisted light.
orbital angular momentum (OAM) / optical vortices / singular optics / spatial light modulator / surface plasmon polariton (SPP) / holography / photonic integrated circuit (PIC)
Fig.1 (a) Schematic of light with spiral phase. The insets are the transverse intensity profiles of Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) modes with different |l|. (b) Schematic of experimental setup. The plasmonic lens is excited by LG modes from the SiO2 substrate side and imaged by a NSOM probe working on collection mode. Inset 1 is the diagram of a single ring plasmonic lens and the coordinates used in analytical derivation. The illumination is along the z-direction. Inset 2 is the scanning electronic microscope micrograph of the plasmonic lens fabricated in gold film on SiO2 substrate. Adapted from Ref. [19] |
Fig.2 Intensity distributions of the optical field near the plasmonic lens surface excited by photons with different OAMs. (a)−(e) are the NSOM images for l = 0, +1, −1, +2 and −2, respectively. (f)−(j) are the corresponding numerical simulation results. The excitation polarization is shown by the white arrow in (a). The scale bar in (f) and the color bar in (j) are also applicable to the other images of intensity distributions. Adapted from Ref. [19] |
Fig.3 (a) Schematic of the metahologram. The holographic pattern has four sectors, which are designed by considering the interference between a converging SP wave with a vortex beam carrying different OAMs. The inset corresponds to the designed TC for each sector. (b) Binary version of the interferogram. Adapted from Ref. [20] |
Fig.11 Comparison of two high-resolution OAM sorters. (a) Previous demonstrations with four custom refractive/diffractive elements (log-polar mapper, mapper corrector, fan-out element, fan-out corrector) and three lenses in between. (b) The novel scheme with only two custom phase elements (quadratic fan-out mapper, dual-phase corrector) and no lens in between. Adapted from Ref. [39] |
Fig.12 Numerical simulation and experimental results for the three-copy fan-out case of OAM sorting. (a) Simulation results show that different OAM modes (l = −2, −1, 0, 1 and 2) are sorted into a set of parallel lines with various vertical positions. (b) Experimental results verify the simulation results. All experimental images use the same scale bar and coordinates. Adapted from Ref. [39] |
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